WWE Main Event Results – August 26, 2021

Main Event
Date: August 26, 2021
Location: Perchanga Arena, San Diego, California
Commentators: Kevin Patrick, Byron Saxton

We’re done with Summerslam and now it is time to get back to normal around here. Granted Main Event has been at normal for a long time now so maybe we can get a little change of pace, even if it does not last long. I’m not exactly thrilled by either option but such is life on this show. Let’s get to it.

Opening sequence.

Jeff Hardy vs. Shelton Benjamin

They slap hands to start and Benjamin runs him over with a shoulder. Neither can hit their finisher early so Hardy sends him into four top turnbuckles in a row. Another Twist of Fate attempt is countered and Benjamin runs the corner for a knee to the face. We hit the reverse chinlock but Hardy fights up in a hurry and knocks Benjamin down for a breather. Hardy’s leg trap rollup gets two but Benjamin hits a powerslam for the same. The Twist of Fate is countered into a German suplex to give Benjamin two more but now the Twist connects. The Swanton finishes Benjamin at 5:22.

Result: Jeff Hardy b. Shelton Benjamin – Swanton Bomb (5:22)

We look at Bobby Lashley retaining the WWE Title over Goldberg at Summerslam due to referee stoppage.

From Raw.

Here are MVP and Bobby Lashley to get things going. After another recap of Goldberg vs. Lashley, because Raw needs more montages than a Rocky movie, MVP says he’d like to explain what happened on Sunday at Summerslam. We all know about Goldberg’s extraordinary history but not so much about his recently unextraordinary history.

What we didn’t know was that his son would be at Summerslam. Maybe he needed a good luck charm or something but Goldberg did score a couple of two counts. Either way, Lashley beat up Goldberg and won by referee stoppage. Goldberg quit like a coward and Lashley would have done that to anyone, including everyone here in San Diego. Lashley doesn’t owe Goldberg or his son an apology but here is Damian Priest to interrupt.

Priest doesn’t care about Lashley and MVP calling people a coward. Well Priest isn’t jumping him from behind and the challenge is on for tonight. Lashley seems interested but MVP tries to talk him out of it. Priest suggests that Lashley is the coward for not saying yes and the fight is on. A big boot sends Lashley outside so MVP says the match is on.

Damian Priest vs. Bobby Lashley

Non-title and Lashley starts fast with the shoulders in the corner. A running shot to the face in the corner rocks Priest again but he makes the comeback….and here is Sheamus to jump him for the DQ at 1:28.

Result: Damian Priest b. Bobby Lashley via DQ when Sheamus interfered (1:28)

Post match the beatdown is on but Drew McIntyre runs in for the big brawl. A suplex puts Lashley onto the announcers’ table and I think we have a Teddy Long special.

Damian Priest/Drew McIntyre vs. Bobby Lashley/Sheamus

Joined in progress with McIntyre hammering on Sheamus until he gets taken into the wrong corner. Lashley comes in for a hard whip into the corner but McIntyre comes out with a clothesline. A shot to the throat cuts McIntyre off but he gets over for the tag to Priest anyway. Lashley takes him outside in a hurry and it’s a hard ram into the post. Back from a break with Priest fighting out of Sheamus’ chinlock but Lashley comes in for a head and arm choke.

That’s enough to drag Priest back into the corner for the tag back to Sheamus as the beating continues. Priest elbows his way to freedom though and the hot tag brings in McIntyre to clean house. The numbers game lets Lashley knock McIntyre down but the missed charge in the post puts Lashley in more trouble. Sheamus comes back in and catches McIntyre on top for a super White Noise and a near fall. Priest comes back in to clean house with the variety of kicks but Priest knees him in the face as Lashley walks out. McIntyre comes back in and Claymores Sheamus for the pin at 14:00.

Result: Drew McIntyre/Damian Priest b. Bobby Lashley/Sheamus – Claymore to Sheamus (14:00)

Next week on Raw: Sheamus vs. Bobby Lashley.

Stills of Summerslam.

Money in the Bank is coming to Allegiant Stadium over next 4th of July weekend.

From Raw.

Here is Charlotte for her championship speech. She told us it would happen and now she has her twelfth title. There is no one as talented as she is and she is going to hold this title as long as she wants. She doesn’t need friends, family or the WWE Universe because she only needs the title.

That’s enough for some pyro to go off and Charlotte talks about how great she looked in the mirror this morning. She knows how amazing she is and she is here because she is starting the new Women’s Evolution. Long live the Queen.

Alexa Bliss interrupting Charlotte is left out.

We look at Becky Lynch returning at Summerslam and beating Bianca Belair to win the Smackdown Women’s Title.

Viking Raiders vs. Lucha House Party

Lince rolls away from Erik and hammers away to start so Erik runs him over with a shoulder. Ivar comes in for a shot to the face and a pair of knees gives Erik two. A backbreaker into a gutbuster looks to set up a powerbomb but Dorado hurricanranas his way to freedom. Everything breaks down and the Vikings toss Lince at Metalik to knock the latter outside.

Ivar gets slammed onto Metalik and we take a break. Back with Dorado hitting the Golden Rewind and handing it back to Metalik to pick up the pace. A running headscissors puts Erik on the floor for the big dive, followed by a splash off of Dorado’s shoulders back inside. Dorado adds a moonsault for two but it’s back to Ivar to clean house. This doesn’t take long as the Viking Experience finishes Metalik at 9:03.

Result: Viking Raiders b. Lucha House Party – Viking Experience to Metalik (9:03)

We look at RKBro winning the Raw Tag Team Titles.

Elias is still dead.

From Raw.

Here is Riddle for the RKBro title celebration, complete with balloons and a red mat. Randy Orton comes out, looking rather annoyed. After a bunch of pyro and a special introduction as champions, Riddle has a present for Orton: his own scooter, complete with his name and tassels! Cue AJ Styles and Omos, with AJ calling this stupid and promising to beat Riddle right here, right now. Riddle admits that he lost last week but that was before he had Orton in his corner. Riddle promises to win with the three most dangerous letters in wrestling: RKBRO! Orton looks like he has a headache.

Post break, we have a few recaps, including announcements of Bobby Lashley vs. Sheamus, Doudrop vs. Eva Marie and John Morrison vs. Miz for next week.

Riddle vs. AJ Styles

Omos and Randy Orton are here too. Styles charges straight at him and they go to the mat for the technical off. That’s broken up and Riddle looks just fine with the whole thing. Riddle kicks him to the apron and then out to the floor but the springboard is broken up. AJ still can’t get anything going as Riddle rolls some gutwrench suplexes for two. A sunset flip can’t set up the Styles Clash so Riddle hurricanranas him over the top for the big crash to the floor instead.

We take a break and come back with Riddle kicking him in the head, setting up the Broton for two. The bridging German suplex gets the same but Riddle is favoring his hamstring. AJ is back with the middle rope moonsault into the reverse DDT for two of his own. The Phenomenal Forearm is broken up but AJ gets him into the Calk Crusher on the bad leg. That’s reversed into the BroMission but AJ flips back for another near fall.

Riddle goes up but another Omos distraction breaks it up (just like last week). This time Orton goes after Omos, earning himself a toss into the barricade. A Burning Hammer gives AJ two as Orton unloads on Omos with the scooter. The distraction lets Riddle hit a jumping knee and the Bro Derek for the pin at 14:22.

Result: Riddle b. AJ Styles – Bro Derek (14:22)

Post match RKBro poses and AJ gets the RKO to end the show.

Thomas Hall has been a wrestling fan for over thirty years and has seen over 60,000 wrestling matches. He has also been a wrestling reviewer since 2009 with over 6,000 full shows covered. You can find his work at kbwrestlingreviews.com, or check out his- Amazon author page with 30 wrestling books.

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The post WWE Main Event Results – August 26, 2021 appeared first on WrestlingRumors.net.

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