WATCH: Paul Heyman Gives Great Advice To WWE Recruits

He’s good at the talking. While wrestling is built around people getting in the ring and having a match, it means a lot more to be someone the fans care about. Being able to do moves and have a match is one thing, but the wrestlers need some kind of a connection. There is an art to making fans care about you and some potential wrestlers were given a lesson in how to do that.

WWE has been holding tryouts for potential new stars in conjunction with Summerslam. The WWE Recruit Twitter account has released a video of Paul Heyman giving a talk to the potential recruits. Heyman talks about selling your name, because otherwise the recruits are just a number on a list. Heyman told them to sell themselves to their audience and give them something to remember. WWE has reportedly signed several new names out of the tryouts, though there is no word on when they might debut.

There is some knowledge here. Check out what Heyman had to say:

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Opinion: This is some excellent advice and the kind of thing that a lot of wrestlers could use. Being able to do one more after another might look good, but a wrestler that the fans care about can make a career out of barely doing anything in the ring. Heyman knows what he is talking about and he can explain what these people need to hear, which is more than almost anyone else can say.

What do you think of Heyman’s speech? Who are the best talkers in WWE today? Let us know in the comments below.

Thomas Hall has been a wrestling fan for over thirty years and has seen over 60,000 wrestling matches. He has also been a wrestling reviewer since 2009 with over 6,000 full shows covered. You can find his work at, or check out his- Amazon author page with 30 wrestling books.

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