WATCH: Paul Heyman Can’t Get A Word Out Of Apollo Crews

I guess not. With so many wrestlers on the WWE roster, it can be difficult to find something for everyone to do. Sometimes you need to mix things up a bit to find something new for them and that can cause some issues. Every now and then, these changes can be for the better and that seemed to be the case this week on SmackDown, but the followup might be a little strange.

One of the bigger stories to come out of this week’s edition of SmackDown was Apollo Crews attacking Big E. and Shinsuke Nakamura after Nakamura defeated Crews in a match. The attack came after Big E. had denied Crews another Intercontinental Title shot and told Crews to return to catering and have a seat. As a result, Crews attacked Nakamura and then used the steps to take Big E. out, even putting him on the shelf for a bit according to Kayla Braxton on Talking Smack. Now Crews has been asked about what he did, but the response was a little more complicated.

You might not need to listen. Check out Crews on Talking Smack after taking out Big E.:

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Crews appeared on the Talking Smack after this week’s SmackDown. Hosts Kayla Braxton and Paul Heyman asked Crews for more information about his attack on Big E. but Crews said nothing. Heyman also asked whether Crews made the decision on the spot or decided in advance. Crews only smiled and nodded before leaving without saying a word. Big E. is currently out of action with a weakened feeling in his arms.

It was a nasty situation. Check out what Crews did to start all of this:

[This post contains video, click to play]

Opinion: I’m not sure where this angle is going, but you can probably pencil in Big E. defending the Intercontinental Title at Fastlane or WrestleMania 37. Either way, it should be a pretty heated up match as the two of them have a hot angle with Big E. being laid out. Crews has been needing a way to get the fans’ attention since the day he made his main roster debut so maybe this is what he has been looking for all this time.

Thomas Hall has been a wrestling fan for over thirty years and has seen over 50,000 wrestling matches. He has also been a wrestling reviewer since 2009 with over 5,000 full shows covered. You can find his work at, or check out his- Amazon author page with 30 wrestling books.

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