Turnaround: Surprise Title Change Takes Place On NXT
Fast turnaround. We are done with the biggest wrestling weekend of the year and a lot went down. There were major matches, several showdowns and big moments that changed the way a lot of stories go. This included a variety of title changes, some of which might not have been the biggest surprises. What was a surprise was having the title change back almost immediately.
The Kickoff Show match for Saturday’s NXT Stand & Deliver saw Dakota Kai/Raquel Gonzalez take the Women’s Tag Team Titles from Toxic Attraction. However, Toxic Attraction took the titles back from Kai and Gonzalez this week on NXT, ending their reign at three days. This is actually longer than Kai and Gonzalez’s first reign as champions, as they lost the titles the night they were awarded them in March 2021.
Opinion: I’m not sure I get this, as the title change felt lik the whole picture was changing. Apparently that is not the case though and now we have things right back where they were on Saturday morning. In theory the idea was to give the fans a title change and then get back to normal, but if Kai and Gonzalez aren’t going to be the ones to keep the titles from Toxic Attraction, who does it?
What do you think of the title change? Should WWE change changed the titles in the first place.
Thomas Hall has been a wrestling fan for over thirty years and has seen over 60,000 wrestling matches. He has also been a wrestling reviewer since 2009 with over 6,000 full shows covered. You can find his work at kbwrestlingreviews.com, or check out his- Amazon author page with 30 wrestling books
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