Bray Wyatt revealed in the new book, “NXT: The Future Is Now”, that he once went and did jury duty in full character. Here is a transcript of what Wyatt said:
“Bray began with my real-life lunacy, I’ve always been an against-all-authority kind of child. I was a big fan of Rage Against the Machine, they were a big influence on my life as a child, so when I started working with Dusty Rhodes, I began losing my mind on a very real level. I became obsessed with this character.”
“I was going to jury duty in my hometown, and Dusty made me go to jury duty as Bray. Dusty told me, ‘This is the perfect exercise, become Bray.’ I literally went to jury duty as Bray Wyatt. I was so immersed in the character that I didn’t break once. Obviously, I didn’t get picked for jury duty, but I had the white pants, Hawaiian shirt, the whole nine yards. There were no fragments of Husky Harris, Husky Harris was dead and he was to stay dead. I was Bray Wyatt, we were one.”