Ring Of Honor TV Results – October 20, 2021

Ring of Honor
Date: October 20, 2021
Location: 2300 Arena, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Commentators: Ian Riccaboni, Caprice Coleman

We’re still in the post Death Before Dishonor TV taping and that means we still have no crowd. I know Ring of Honor likes to do their marathon tapings but isn’t there some way we could get some fans in there for a change? It has made a world of difference for everyone else and the fans not being there makes Ring of Honor seem like a promotion from another universe. Let’s get to it.

Opening sequence.

Quinn McKay (hey she’s back) welcomes us to the show and gives us the preview.

Tag Team Titles: Soldiers of Savagery vs. Dragon Lee/Kenny King

Lee and King are defending. The Soldiers jump them to start so the champs bail to the floor for an early breather. We settle down to Lee getting in Moses’ face for no effect. It’s the Soldiers being sent outside for a change and that means the champs get to hit the Tranquilo pose. Back in and Khan runs King over for two as we take a break.

We come back with Lee getting stomped down but King pulls Khan’s leg to break up a suplex. Back in and King pounds away on Khan for two, setting up a double basement dropkick to the back of the head. Moses gets drawn in, allowing the champs to kick away at Khan even more. A half crab sends Khan over to the ropes in a hurry but King puts it on again.

We take another break and come back again with Khan hitting a quick belly to back suplex. That’s enough for Moses to come in and clean house, including a powerbomb for two on Lee. King is back up with a clothesline to Khan and Lee counters a superplex into the Alberto double stomp on Moses. Cue Bestia del Ring as Khan kicks Lee down without much effort. The assisted elevated DDT plants Khan but Bestia has the referee. That’s enough of a distraction for King to rake Khan’s eyes and hit the Royal Flush. Lee adds the Incinerator to retain the titles at 12:53.

Result: Kenny King/Dragon Lee b. Soldiers of Savagery – Incinerator to Khan (12:53)

Next week: Violence vs. Pure, as the stables continue to take over the company.

World Famous CB/Joe Keys/Taylor Rust/Eli Isom vs. Foundation

The Foundation is Tracy Williams/Rhett Titus/Jonathan Gresham/Jay Lethal and their opponents were all at ringside for Lethal’s speech about the greatness of pure wrestling at Death Before Dishonor. Williams and Rust get things going and they take their time to start. They go with the technical rolling until Williams takes him into the corner for a double suplex from Titus.

Back up and Rust takes Titus into the corner so CB can hammer away. Titus is bleeding from the eye as CB reverses a headlock into one of his own. A shot to the eye and the Fuji Splash (which is a headbutt) gets two more on Titus and it’s Isom coming in for a waistlock. For some reason Isom lets him go though and Lethal comes in for a change. Lethal gets serious by taking the straps down but Isom dropkicks him anyway.

A tilt-a-whirl backbreaker drops Lethal and we take a break. Back with Lethal and Isom staring at each other until Gresham and Keys come in (meaning teacher vs. student). They waste no time in striking away until Keys kicks him in the back and drops him hard onto the top rope. Gresham is back with a running dropkick to send Keys outside and it’s off to Williams to work on the arm. The Foundation starts taking turns on the arm but Keys gets over for the tag to Rust to pick up the pace.

Rust can’t suplex Lethal out to the floor but he can throw Lethal out there, meaning the Foundation surrounds their partner. Back in and Lethal’s arm is worked over and we take a break. We come back with Lethal shrugging off Isom’s beating and hitting the Lethal Combination. The hot tag brings Williams back in to work on CB’s leg. Titus gives up the tag over to Rust though and the Perfect Circle connects, with Williams having to make the save.

A double tag brings in Lethal and Isom, with the latter hitting his own cutter. Everything breaks down and it’s Keys uppercutting Williams to little avail. Gresham comes in for an enziguri and German suplex but Keys plants Gresham for two. That’s enough from Keys, as Gresham pulls him into a kneebar for the tap at 17:50.

Result: Foundation b. Joe Keys/Eli Isom/World Famous CB/Taylor Rust – Kneebar to Keys (17:50)

Vincent, in a white robe and a crown, says he has been cleansed and is ready to win the World Title. Dig what he is saying?

Thomas Hall has been a wrestling fan for over thirty years and has seen over 60,000 wrestling matches. He has also been a wrestling reviewer since 2009 with over 6,000 full shows covered. You can find his work at kbwrestlingreviews.com, or check out his- Amazon author page with 30 wrestling books.

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The post Ring Of Honor TV Results – October 20, 2021 appeared first on WrestlingRumors.net.

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