Ring Of Honor TV Results – December 8, 2021

Ring Of Honor
Date: December 8, 2021
Location: 2300 Arena, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Commentators: Ian Riccaboni, Caprice Coleman

It’s the go home show for Final Battle, which I’ve already watched, though I don’t think it matters since the company is more or less done in three weeks. In other words, the best they can do around here is hope for the action to be good, which has been the case for a long time now. Let’s get to it.

Opening sequence.

Quinn McKay gives us the welcome and the rundown.

Willow Nightingale vs. Mandy Leon

The winner gets the Women’s Title shot at Final Battle so Women’s Champion Rok-C is on commentary. Mandy talks about how she is one of the building blocks of the division and this is the Allure’s house. On the other hand, Willow doesn’t mind the odds being against her because you can’t stop the sun from shining. Willow grabs a front facelock to start and switches to a headlock as we hear about Mandy’s greatness.

Back up and Mandy hammers away in the corner but Willow cartwheels her way to freedom. Something like an STF has Mandy in trouble so she bails to the floor. Willow follows and gets suplexed so we take a break. Back with Mandy scoring with a missile dropkick and stomping away in the corner. The chinlock goes on for a bit until Mandy drives in some elbows for two. Willow reverses into something like a Koji Clutch but Mandy rolls out. Some clotheslines and a spinebuster drops Mandy again.

A Death Valley Driver gives Willow two more but Mandy powers out of a powerbomb. Willow kicks her away though and hits a Cannonball in the corner, only to miss a splash. Astral Projection plants Willow for a delayed two so Angelina Love grabs a chair. Cue Quinn McKay to grab it back, drawing out the rest of the women’s division to turn it into a big tug of war. Max the Impaler comes out and takes the chair away from Angelina, who she then throws at various other women. Back in and Willow hits a superkick into a gutwrench powerbomb for the pin and the title shot at 11:30.

Result: Willow Nightingale b. Mandy Leon – Gutwrench powerbomb (11:30)

Post match, we get a big hug.

Post break, the very excitable Willow hugs Brian Zane and promises to be a threat to Rok-C at Final Battle.

Video on Brian Johnson, who really loves Philadelphia. He’ll win the Pure Title at Final Battle.

We see some clips of Chris Dickinson beating Tyler Rust.

Final Battle rundown.

The Briscoes are happy with what Ring of Honor has done for them.

Bandido vs. PJ Black

Non-title and Black has Flip Gordon, who he hypnotized before the match, in his corner. Bandido, with Rey Horus in his corner, goes with the grappling to start but can’t get very far. An armdrag into an armbar doesn’t last long either so they trade shoulders to little avail. They trade some legsweeps into another standoff but Bandido gets sent outside in a heap.

Back in and Black stomps away before throwing Bandido right back to the floor. Black holds Bandido for some shots from Gordon….but he says that’s not honorable. Then Black claps at him, which accidentally breaks the hypnosis so Gordon will hit him for the DQ at 6:04. Horus dives onto them and let’s do the tag thing.

Result: Bandido b. PJ Black via DQ when Flip Gordon interfered (6:04)

Rey Horus/Bandido vs. PJ Black/Flip Gordon

Horus, still in his jacket, starts with Gordon, who takes him down with a Sling Blade. Black comes in and blocks a tornado DDT, allowing Gordon to come in with a top rope elbow. The Kinder Surprise gets two on Horus and we take a break. Back with Horus hitting a heck of a tornado DDT, allowing the tag off to Bandido. Everything breaks down and Bandido gorilla presses Gordon over the top onto Black.

Back in and Bandido hits a frog splash for two as it’s Gordon getting double teamed for a change. Black is up again though and it’s a powerbomb/Blockbuster neckbreaker for two. Since that’s not enough, Black busts out a Doomsday Destroyer for two more. Bandido comes in to break up the 450 with a super Spanish Fly, setting up the 21plex for the pin on Black at 6:33.

Result: Bandido/Rey Horus b. PJ Black/Flip Gordon – 21 Plex to Black (6:33)

A video on Bandido vs. Jonathan Gresham and the Final Battle rundown wraps us up.

Thomas Hall has been a wrestling fan for over thirty years and has seen over 60,000 wrestling matches. He has also been a wrestling reviewer since 2009 with over 6,000 full shows covered. You can find his work at kbwrestlingreviews.com, or check out his- Amazon author page with 30 wrestling books.

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