Ring Of Honor TV Results – December 15, 2021

Ring Of Honor
Date: December 15, 2021
Location: UMBC Event Center, Baltimore, Maryland
Commentators: Ian Riccaboni, Caprice Coleman

We’re around Final Battle, with this show officially debuting before the show took place. At this point though, it isn’t like the date matters since there are only a few shows left in the first place. I’m not sure what to expect here, but odds are we’ll get some good wrestling to go with the rather limited storylines. Let’s get to it.

Opening recap.

Quinn McKay gives us the welcome and rundown.

Sledge vs. PCO

Holidead is on commentary and it’s Falls Count Anywhere/no DQ. Before the match, Sledge teases attacking Brian Zane over (jokingly) calling him Steve. Business will be taken care of instead. PCO on the other hand shouts IT’S ALIVE. They slug it out with Sledge hitting a jumping back elbow to the face to take him down. It’s already time to put a trashcan on PCO’s head for a charge in the corner.

The fight heads to the floor for the chop off until PCO Russian legsweeps him into the barricade. Commentary is nice enough to point out that the weapons were placed outside at the wrestlers’ requests, which is more than you usually get. A backdrop against a ladder gives Sledge two on the floor and we take a break.

Back with PCO hitting a top rope splash (after hitting a rope walk hurricanrana during the commercial) for two but the PCOsault hits raised knees. They chop it out on the floor again but this time PCO just yells at him and takes over again. A chair shot to the back lets PCO put him on a table for the big Swanton and the near fall (Caprice: “Why did he kick out of that?”).

Some chair shots to the head rock Sledge, giving us a “do not try this at home” graphic. Sledge puts him on the barricade for something like a spear down onto the concrete for his own two. Now it’s up to the stage for more chopping, setting up Sledge’s Detox DDT. PCO is back up so it’s another Detox DDT off the stage through a table (and apparently some pizza) to give Sledge the pin at 14:59.

Result: Sledge b. PCO – Detox DDT through a table (14:59)

Miranda Alize vs. Chelsea Green

The Allure is on commentary. Alize flips out of a wristlock to start and it’s an early standoff. A fireman’s carry takeover sets up an armbar on Green, which is broken up just as fast. Something like a running Hennig necksnap sends Alize outside so the chase is on in a bit more comedy than I was expecting. Alize sends her into the barricade a few times to take over and it’s a basement hurricanrana driver for two back inside.

We take a break and come back with Alize cranking on both arms until Green fights up for a Codebreaker. They slug it out from their knees until Green makes the clothesline comeback. A missile dropkick gives Green two and she grabs the half crab, only to have the Allure offer a distraction. Alize grabs a cutter into the Drive By for the pin at 9:54.

Result: Miranda Alize b. Chelsea Green – Drive By (9:54)

Eli Isom vs. EC3

Dalton Castle is on commentary. Before the match, EC3 talks about being free in more babbling that only he understands. Isom says he wants to prove to EC3 that honor is real in a pretty fired up promo. They go to the mat with EC3’s headlock countered into a headscissors without much effort.

Back up and Isom is powered into the corner but comes back with armdrags into an armbar. More armdrags out of the corner keep EC3 rocked but he breaks up a springboard to take over. Some forearms to the chest keep Isom in trouble as the Baby Chickens are here to kiss Castle’s hands. EC3 hits a hard whip into the corner and then does it again for a bonus. Isom needs a breather on the floor so EC3 follows him out for a hard kick to the ribs. Back in and that forward DDT plants Isom, setting up a powerbomb for no cover. Instead, EC3 hits another powerbomb and we take a break.

We come back with Isom forearming his way out of trouble, setting up an enziguri. Castle has to be held up as EC3 makes the comeback with a necksnap across the top. A dropkick sends EC3 outside again and there’s a moonsault to drop him again. Back in and a high crossbody gives Isom two but EC3 takes out the knee. An Angle Slam drops Isom so EC3 can crawl over to him for a chat. The knee is taken out again and it’s a double underhook faceplant to knock Isom silly. The Purpose makes Isom tap at 16:15.

Result: EC3 b. Eli Isom – The Purpose (16:15)

Thomas Hall has been a wrestling fan for over thirty years and has seen over 60,000 wrestling matches. He has also been a wrestling reviewer since 2009 with over 6,000 full shows covered. You can find his work at kbwrestlingreviews.com, or check out his- Amazon author page with 30 wrestling books.

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The post Ring Of Honor TV Results – December 15, 2021 appeared first on WrestlingRumors.net.

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