Ring Of Honor TV Results – August 11, 2021

Ring of Honor
Date: August 11, 2021
Location: UMBC Event Center, Baltimore, Maryland
Commentators: Caprice Coleman, Ian Riccaboni

We are still firmly in middle of the Women’s Title tournament, which dominated last week’s show. That meant a kind of hit or miss collection of matches, as you can only get so far with a bunch of wrestlers we haven’t seen before having short matches. While it wasn’t bad, it was lacking some interest, which hopefully is here this time. Let’s get to it.

Opening sequence.

We look at Allysin Kay defeating Willow to advance on the non-televised show.

Quinn McKay says she has come up short time after time and that is because of the Allure. Now it is her last shot and it is guaranteed to be one on one. Now she is getting her chance to thank the fans by beating Mandy Leon.

Mandy Leon thinks this is rigged because McKay has lost her two matches but is in the tournament anyway. Why is McKay here with one of the founding mothers of the division? No worries as she’ll take McKay out.

Women’s Title Tournament First Round: Quinn McKay vs. Mandy Leon

Rematch from a few weeks ago when Leon needed Angelina Love’s help to beat McKay. A spear cuts Mandy down at the bell but it’s too early for the Tangerine Dream. Mandy needs a breather on the floor but McKay follows her out to keep up the brawl. Back in and Mandy gets in a shot to the face though, allowing her to stomp away in the corner. A butterfly suplex gives Mandy two and we take a break.

We come back with a Hennig necksnap giving Mandy another two. Some forearms to the back in the corner allow for even more trash talk, setting up a running Unprettier for two more. The frustration is setting in and McKay avoids a charge in the corner, allowing a neckbreaker to connect for two. A powerslam sets up most of the Tangerine Dream but Mandy is out with a Backpack Stunner. Mandy’s Astral Projection is loaded up but McKay reverses into a cradle for the upset pin at 7:12.

Result: Quinn McKay b. Mandy Leon – Cradle (7:12)

Commentary goes nuts at the upset and McKay runs over to celebrate with them.

Marti Belle got into wrestling because it was a little bit of everything she wanted to do. Trisha Adora wants to show you what she can do and is a military veteran. They have both been through adversity and Adora is fighting for her mother, who has cancer.

Women’s Title Tournament First Round: Marti Belle vs. Trish Adora

They go with the grappling to start as Adora spins out of an early wristlock. That doesn’t last long so they’re back up for another standoff. Belle headlocks her down as we hear about Adora being a chess aficionado. Back up and Belle blocks the Lariat Tubman with an ax handle to the arm and we take an early break.

We come back with Belle’s running knee getting two and Adora’s arm being wrapped around the rope. A running knee gets a delayed two on Adora but she fights back with forearms to the head. Adora gets in a kick to the arm and a judo throw sets up some hard kicks. That’s enough for Adora, who grabs the Cattle Mutilation for the tap at 7:13.

Result: Trish Adora b. Marti Belle – Cattle Mutilation (7:13)

We look back at Bandido winning the World Title at Best in the World.

Brody King/Chris Dickinson vs. Rey Horus/Bandido

King and Dickinson are ready to hurt people. The luchadors try chopping away at the bell and are taken straight into the corner to start the choking. Dickinson takes Horus down into a Crossface to start and then chops him down again. King comes in to run Horus over and the neck crank goes on.

We take a break and come back with the stomping continuing in the corner as Horus stays in trouble. Horus finally manages to get away and the hot tag brings in Bandido to start cleaning house. King gets dropkicked down and there’s a heck of a gorilla press to Dickinson. The big Fosbury Flop to the floor takes out King and Dickinson and it’s some running clotheslines on Dickinson back inside.

Horus gets knocked outside though and King grabs the Boston crab. Horus’ dropkicks don’t break it up and he gets pulled down into the Crossface from Dickinson. Both are broken up and Dickinson brainbusters Bandido for two. Back up and the 21 Plex is countered, only to have Bandido drop Dickinson with it for the pin at 10:49.

Result: Bandido/Rey Horus b. Chris Dickinson/Brody King – 21 Plex to Dickinson (10:49)

Post match the rest of La Faccion Ingobernable runs in to go after Bandido, with Rush ripping off the mask. Violence Unlimited comes in for the brawl to end the show.

Thomas Hall has been a wrestling fan for over thirty years and has seen over 60,000 wrestling matches. He has also been a wrestling reviewer since 2009 with over 6,000 full shows covered. You can find his work at kbwrestlingreviews.com, or check out his- Amazon author page with 30 wrestling books.

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