NXT UK Results – March 24, 2022

Date: March 24, 2022
Location: BT Sports Studios, London, England
Commentators: Andy Shepherd, Nigel McGuinness

It’s another title week here as Isla Dawn gets her shot at the NXT UK Women’s Title and Meiko Satomura. That could make for a good showdown, as Dawn has cranked up the evil in recent weeks. In other news, Wild Boar gets his shot at Symbiosis, starting with T-Bone. Let’s get to it.

Quick video on Meiko Satomura vs. Isla Dawn.

Opening sequence.

Die Familie vs. Saxon Huxley/A-Kid

Teoman is here with Familie. A-Kid and Dempsey start things off with Dempsey working on an early armbar. Huxley comes in and slams his way out of another armbar before slamming Raja too. An elbow gets a rather delayed two and it’s back to A-Kid, who is quickly pulled into a Fujiwara armbar.

A-Kid breaks that up so Dempsey takes him down by the leg instead as this isn’t A-Kid’s night so far. Dempsey grabs a fisherman’s suplex for two and it’s off to a standing armbar. A jump over Raja finally allows the fast tag to Huxley though and it’s time to clean house in a hurry. Huxley hits a big clothesline for two on Dempsey but stops to chase Raja to the floor, allowing Dempsey to grab the Kimura.

That’s broken up as well and it’s back to A-Kid to German suplex Raja. Huxley adds a butterfly backbreaker to Raja with A-Kid adding in a running basement dropkick for two. Dempsey distracts the referee though and Teoman sends A-Kid into the barricade. The distraction lets Raja post Huxley and a jumping Downward Spiral finishes at 8:26.

Result: Die Familie b. Saxon Huxley/A-Kid – Jumping Downward Spiral (8:26)

We look at the return of Wild Boar and his quest for revenge on Symbiosis.

Amale is asked about this week’s Women’s Title match but Xia Brookside interrupts and asks about a possible rematch. Sure, but Brookside has no time to answer questions from the interviewer. Instead, Brookside calls her father and says IT’S TIME.

Wild Boar vs. T-Bone

Eddie Dennis and Primate are here with T-Bone. Boar comes in through the crowd and the beating is on with T-Bone being knocked outside before the bell. Back in and Boar sends him outside again but this time a Symbiosis distraction lets T-Bone get in a cheap shot. T-Bone starts in on Boar’s recently repaired knee, including an assist from Dennis for a running kick to the leg. A suplex gives T-bone two but Boar manages to send him chest first into the corner. The running shoulder to the ribs drops T-Bone and, after knocking Primate off the apron, Boar hits a jumping DDT for the pin at 4:38.

Result: Wild Boar b. T-Bone – Jumping DDT (4:38)

Ilja Dragunov talks about how he and Roderick Strong both know that diamonds are made under pressure, so it would be an honor to meet him in the ring. Just remember that the Czar doesn’t crack under pressure.

Earlier this week, Kenny Williams couldn’t find his car keys. He goes to his car and finds the doors, hood and trunk open and a tire missing. The interviewer suggests that it is tied to whomever sent him the note last week but he doesn’t want to talk.

Danny Jones vs. Jordan Devlin

Devlin drops him with an early chop and then hits a running elbow to the face. Back up and Jones hits his own chops in the corner but Devlin knocks him down without much trouble. A running knee to the ribs has Jones down again and a clothesline gives Devlin two. Some more forearms wake Jones up and he hits a jumping enziguri. There’s a running knee in the corner and a suplex gets two on Devlin. A double arm trap rollup gets two but that’s enough for Devlin. The slingshot cutter sets up a brainbuster to finish Jones at 4:43.

Result: Jordan Devlin b. Danny Jones – Brainbuster (4:43)

Post match Devlin says the person who holds the title doesn’t matter, because there is only one Ace.

Video on Moustache Mountain having to get a little more evil to deal with Ashton Smith/Oliver Carter. Smith and Carter have some momentum though and are ready to keep going to get another title shot. The champs are ready for anything though.

Noam Dar is ready to complete the Gallus sweep in Heritage Cup Title defenses.

Women’s Title: Meiko Satomura vs. Isla Dawn

Satomura is defending and Dawn shoves her in the face a few times to start. A hard shot takes Satomura down but she blocks a bicycle kick and hits an uppercut. Some kicks have Dawn in more trouble as she seems to be a bit over her head here. Dawn tries to take her into the corner but gets kicked in the head. A neck snap across the top rope works a bit better for Dawn and she drags Satomura to the floor.

There’s a big boot against the barricade and we hit the chinlock back inside. Some knees to the back and face cut off Satomura’s comeback attempt but the second try works a good bit better. A spinwheel kick staggers Dawn and the Saito suplex gets two. Satomura’s frog splash hits knees though and Dawn is back with a dropkick. Dawn misses something off the top and gets caught with a Pele kick, setting up the Death Valley Driver for two. Scorpion Rising misses but Satomura is fine enough to grab a cradle and retain at 8:00.

Result: Meiko Satomura b. Isla Dawn – Cradle (8:00)

Post match Dawn steals the title and leaves to end the show.

Thomas Hall has been a wrestling fan for over thirty years and has seen over 60,000 wrestling matches. He has also been a wrestling reviewer since 2009 with over 6,000 full shows covered. You can find his work at kbwrestlingreviews.com, or check out his- Amazon author page with 30 wrestling books

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The post NXT UK Results – March 24, 2022 appeared first on WrestlingRumors.net.

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