NXT Results – September 20, 2022

Date: September 20, 2022
Location: Capitol Wrestling Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Vic Joseph, Wade Barrett

We’re officially into the second year of NXT 2.0 which now seems to be minus the 2.0. Things seem to be moving forward into a new era around here and that should be good for NXT as a whole. I’m not sure what that is going to mean but we do have a #1 contenders match this week between Tyler Bate and JD McDonagh. Let’s get to it.

Opening recap.

Earlier today, Carmelo Hayes and Solo Sikoa came in to see Shawn Michaels and the results of the match last week cannot stand. Sikoa was not the sanctioned challenger and therefore cannot be the North American Champion. The title is handed over and Sikoa hands over the title, with Shawn wishing him luck anywhere he goes. Hayes is ready to have the title handed back to him but Shawn says not so fast. In six weeks at Halloween Havoc, there is a six man ladder match for the title.

Axiom vs. Nathan Frazer

Match #2 in a best of three series with Axiom up 1-0. Frazer starts fast with a backslide, setting off a series of rollups for two each. Axiom goes for the ankle but Frazer escapes and that’s a standoff. A bridging northern lights suplex gives Axiom two but Frazer dropkicks him out of the air. That’s enough to send Axiom bailing to the floor and we take a break.

Back with Axiom fighting out of a front facelock and hitting a running dropkick. A high crossbody gives Axiom two but Frazer superkicks him down for the same. Axiom is back up with a super hiptoss for two of his own but he takes too long going up. Frazer runs the corner for a superplex into a spinning suplex into the Phoenix splash for the pin at 13:09.

Result: Nathan Frazer b. Axiom – Phoenix splash (13:09)

Alba Fyre wants the Women’s Title.

Mandy Rose insists she isn’t worried about Fyre. She’ll take out Fallon Henley next week and then beat Fyre.

We recap Damon Kemp turning on the Diamond Mine, even showing footage of him being paid off by the D’Angelo Family (to win the Tag Team Titles, but that failed due to Santos Escobar). Then he took out Roderick Strong and knows that the Creeds are mad at him anyway. He’ll fight either of them one on one.

Ivy Nile and Tatum Paxley are ready for the tag match, with Nile insisting that she’s ok.

Tatum Paxley/Ivy Nile vs. Toxic Attraction

Paxley and Dolin lock up to start and then trade some dives with neither getting anywhere. A dropkick staggers Dolin but she’s right back with a running clothesline. Jayne comes in for some kicks and a backsplash for two but Paxley fights out of an armbar. It’s back to Nile for a suplex as everything breaks down. A spinning Codebreaker sets up some stereo kicks to drop Paxley for the pin at 3:57.

Result: Toxic Attraction b. Tatum Paxley/Ivy Nile – Double kick to Paxley (3:57)

Here is Schism to talk about how awesome they are and how everyone should join them. Joe Gacy calls out Cameron Grimes again but here are Edris Enofe and Malik Blade for the brawl, following last week’s beating.

Dyad vs. Edris Enofe/Malik Blade

It’s a brawl to start until Blade works on Fowler’s wrist. Some double teaming takes Fowler down but it’s quickly off to Reid, who takes Enofe into the corner. That is broken up rather quickly and Blade comes in with a high crossbody to both of them. The big flip dive to the floor drops the Dyad and we take a break.

Back with Blade in trouble through a pull of the sweater vest. We pause for the Schism hug on the floor before the beating is back on. Blade slips through the legs though and the hot tag brings in Enofe to clean house. Blade tags right back in for a spinebuster/side kick combination on Reid but Fowler makes the save. A step up Canadian Destroyer drops Enofe and Ticket To Mayhem finishes him off at 9:15.

Result: Dyad b. Edris Enofe/Malik Blade – Ticket To Mayhem to Enofe (9:15)

We look at Quincy Elliott’s debut last week.

Video on Meiko Satomura vs. Roxanne Perez, with Satomura taking her out and then Cora Jade vs. Perez continuing. Perez is ready to be more violent.

Cora Jade vs. Wendy Choo

Choo takes her down to start and sends Jade outside for a dive but gets taken down by the hair. Back in and Jade hammers away before grabbing a cross arm choke. Choo fights up to start the comeback but gets caught in a DDT to give Jade the fast pin at 4:12.

Result: Cora Jade b. Wendy Choo – DDT (4:12)

Post match Lash Legend comes in to boot Choo down.

Bron Breakker is grateful to the fans for voting him Superstar Of The Year. As for the main event, he picks Tyler Bate over JD McDonagh and would love a rematch.

Trick Williams and Carmelo Hayes aren’t happy.

Video on Oro Mensah.

Mensah is here to face the very best, like Grayson Waller. Now he wants the North American Title.

Here are Carmelo Hayes and Trick Williams for a chat. Hayes insists that he is the top star around here but title or no title, he is still the A Champion. Cue Chase U, with Chase thinking this is a TEACHABLE MOMENT. Chase knocks them to the floor and let’s ring that bell.

Chase U vs. Carmelo Hayes/Trick Williams

Williams comes in off a blind tag and dropkicks Chase for two as Barrett goes over courses he would offer if he was a professor. Hayward comes in to take over in the corner before Chase is right back in for the spelling stomps. It’s back to Hayward for a torture rack but Hayes comes in to break it up. A springboard spinning clothesline drops Hayward for two, only to have Hayward get over to Chase without much trouble. Hayes kicks Chase and Hayward down but another springboard is countered into a rollup to give Chase the pin at 4:13.

Result: Chase U b. Carmelo Hayes/Trick Williams – Rollup to Hayes (4:13)

Brooks Jensen, Josh Briggs and Fallon Henley interrupt Gallus’ card game. Security has to come in to quell any possible violence.

Sanga vs. Von Wagner

Mr. Stone is here with Wagner, who can’t shoulder Sanga down to start and has to punch his way out of a powerslam attempt. Back up and a sidewalk slam plants Wagner but Sanga goes after an interfering Stone. That’s enough for Wagner to post him, setting up a fireman’s carry into a neckbreaker for the pin at 2:51.

Result: Von Wagner b. Sanga – Fireman’s carry neckbreaker (2:51)

Wesley wants the North American Title.

Stacks says Tony D’Angelo will be North American Champion.

Cameron Grimes is sick of Schism and promises to put them in a wood chipper next week. The fuel will take him to the moon.

North American Title Match Qualifying Match: Oro Mensah vs. Grayson Waller

Waller starts fast but gets armdragged down a few times. Back up and Waller yells a lot, earning himself a beating into the corner. A pop up belly to back suplex drops Mensah and Waller unloads with forearms on the mat. The hammer and anvil elbows get two on Mensah but he’s back up with a spinning kick to the head. Waller manages a neck snap across the top and loads up the running Stunner, only to get cut off by Apollo Crews (bleeding from the eye). That lets Mensah hit a dive, setting up the running spinwheel kick in the corner for the pin at 5:21.

Result: Oro Mensah b. Grayson Waller – Running spinwheel kick (5:21)

The Creed Brothers want Damon Kemp, with Brutus getting the shot next week. Julius wants Kemp’s career ended.

Here is Bron Breakker with a Connor’s Cure kid. The kid seems a bit awestruck and I’d call that acceptable.

Sol Ruca is still coming.

JD McDonagh vs. Tyler Bate

The winner gets a shot at Bron Breakker, on commentary, at some point in the future. McDonagh takes him down by the head to start but Bate slips out and reverses into an armbar. Back up and they trade several rollups/cradles for two each until a double knockdown sends us to a break.

We come back with Bate getting out of a Boston crab so McDonagh kicks him down again. The fight heads to the floor with Bate getting the better of things, setting up a t-bone suplex back inside. A running shooting star press gives Bate two and the airplane spin is good for the same.

McDonagh low bridges him to the floor, setting up a 450 for two back inside. A brainbuster gives McDonagh two more and they slug it out, with Bate getting Spanish Flied down….where he manages a left hand from his back for a unique twist. Bate gets caught on top and it’s a super Spanish Fly into the Devil Inside to give McDonagh the pin at 12:56.

Result: JD McDonagh b. Tyler Bate – Devil Inside (12:56)

Post match Breakker gets in the ring for a staredown….and none of that matters because Ilja Dragunov is here (McDonagh: “NO!!!!!”)!. Breakker approves and holds up the title to end the show.

Nathan Frazer b. Axiom – Phoenix splash
Toxic Attraction b. Tatum Paxley/Ivy Nile – Stereo kicks to Paxley
Dyad b. Edris Enofe/Malik Blade – Ticket To Mayhem to Enofe
Cora Jade b. Wendy Choo – DDT
Chase U b. Carmelo Hayes/Trick Williams – Rollup to Hayes
Von Wagner b. Sanga – Fireman’s carry neckbreaker
Oro Mensah b. Grayson Waller – Running spinwheel kick
JD McDonagh b. Tyler Bate – Devil Inside

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You can find more from Thomas Hall at kbwrestlingreviews.com, or check out his- Amazon author page with 30 wrestling books.

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