NXT LVL Up Results – May 6, 2022

Date: May 6, 2022
Location: Capitol Wrestling Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Nigel McGuinness, Sudu Shah

We’re coming off a big NXT event on Tuesday and odds are that doesn’t mean much around here. What might mean something is the upcoming women’s Breakout Tournament, which very well could get some hype on this show. This is where some of the upcoming women have appeared before so maybe we get more of that this week. Let’s get to it.

Opening sequence.

Tatum Paxley/Ivy Nile vs. Erica Yan/Sarray

Roderick Strong is here with Nile and Paxley. Nile takes Sarray into the corner to start and it’s an exchange of wristlocks with Paxley. Sarray slips out and hits a running dropkick so Yan can come in instead.

An exchange of rollups get two each and that’s good for a standoff so we’ll try Nile vs. Sarray again. A fisherman’s suplex gets two on Nile but she is back up with a clothesline. Some rolling suplexes set up a running kick in the corner and Sarray is in trouble. Paxley comes back in for the armbar but Sarray fights up, ducks a clothesline, and gets over to for the tag to Yan. That’s fine with Nile, who comes back in with the dragon sleeper for the tap at 5:20.

Result: Tatum Paxley/Ivy Nile b. Erica Yan/Sarray – Dragon sleeper to Yan (5:20)

Sloane Jacobs vs. Thea Hail

They fight over arm control to start until Hail hits a dropkick for an early two. Jacobs sends her into the corner to start the stomping though as commentary points out that these two are 37 years old combined. A big boot drops Hail for two and we’re off to the neck crank. Hail takes her time fighting up and sends Jacobs into the corner, setting up a sunset flip for two. Jacobs shrugs it off and hits a Samoan drop for the pin at 5:05.

Result: Sloane Jacobs b. Thea Hail – Samoan drop (5:05)

Channing Lorezno/Troy Donovan vs. Javier Bernal/Dante Chen

Tony D’Angelo joins commentary and the voice is already grating. Bernal headlocks Lorenzo down to start as D’Angelo interrogates Shah about possibly being a federal agent. Chen comes in to headlock Lorenzo before switching up to another headlock. Bernal’s sliding lariat gets two but Lorenzo blocks a sunset flip and brings Donovan in. The stomping ensues and a suplex gets two on Bernal. The alternating beatdown is on but Bernal sends them into each other and gets over to Chen for the hot tag. Everything breaks down and it’s a big boot setting up stereo big boots to finish Chen at 6:02.

Result: Channing Lorenzo/Troy Donovan b. Javier Bernal/Dante Chen – Double big boots to Chen (6:02)

Thomas Hall has been a wrestling fan for over thirty years and has seen over 60,000 wrestling matches. He has also been a wrestling reviewer since 2009 with over 6,000 full shows covered. You can find his work at kbwrestlingreviews.com, or check out his- Amazon author page with 30 wrestling books.

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