Monday Night Raw Live Coverage And Results – July 19, 2021

Monday Night Raw
Date: July 19, 2021
Location: American Airlines Center, Dallas, Texas
Commentators: Jimmy Smith, Corey Graves, Byron Saxton

The week of the fans continues as we have the first Raw in front of a crowd since March 2021. Smackdown and Money in the Bank seemed to go pretty well but this is the big test. This is the Raw that WWE has literally had months to plan for and they can put on their best show possible. John Cena is back and opening the show so they should have a good start. Let’s get to it.

Here is John Cena to get things going as they’re starting fast tonight. Cena says he can still see some people coming in so come on down. After acknowledging a kid’s “I’m turning 11 and I’m here to see John Cena” sign, Cena says he missed us. Cena talks about what a group effort Raw is and how he was here last night for the end of Money in the Bank.

Paul Heyman panicked, Roman Reigns didn’t know what he was supposed to do, Michael Cole was really happy and Pat McAfee still didn’t know where Cena was. Cena is back for Reigns and he thinks about five weeks from now in Allegiant Stadium in Las Vegas, Nevada sounds like a safe bet. He could talk about how important Summerslam is and how great it would be to win his seventeenth World Title, but it is a lot simpler than that: “Roman Reigns is an a******.” (WWE censored it too this time).

Reigns is an overhyped gimmick who isn’t as great as he says he is, “and that’s coming from ME”. Cena asks to hear the fans a bit more and says the saying goes if they’re great, the people will tell you. He’s going to be at Smackdown on Friday and he’ll see Reigns there. Cue Riddle and it’s time for a Bro Off.

Riddle/Viking Raiders vs. John Morrison/AJ Styles/Omos

Riddle takes Morrison down to start and puts on something like a YES Lock. It’s off to Erik for a knee to the face and Ivar is slammed onto Morrison for a bonus. Everything breaks down and the Viking are sent outside, where they catch Morrison’s slingshot hurricanrana. Morrison gets crushed between then but Omos throws Styles onto them for the huge crash as we take a break.

Back with Omos powering Riddle around and handing it off to Styles for two off a suplex. Morrison comes back in to crank on the neck but Riddle flips out of Styles’ suplex and brings in Erik. The strike off goes to Erik and he crushes Styles in the corner. Ivar comes in for a running corner dropkick to Morrison but misses a good looking moonsault. Starship Pain misses but Riddle steals Miz’s Drip Stick and sprays Omos, leaving said stick with Miz. Morrison goes to save his buddy but Omos throws him back inside. AJ goes to deal with things and the Viking Experience finishes Morrison at 12:07.

Result: Riddle/Viking Raiders b. John Morrison/AJ Styles/Omos – Viking Experience to Morrison (12:07)

The very intense Jaxson Ryker is ready to do something else to Elias.

Elias vs. Jaxson Ryker

Symphony of Destruction (music theme and falls count anywhere), with Ryker promising to silence Elias before the match. There are instruments around the ring and Ryker hits him in the back with a keyboard. Elias is back with a guitar and a jumping knee to the face for two but gets sent through the gong. Ryker hits him with the guitar and we take a break.

Back with them fighting on the apron until Elias sends him into the post. Ryker drops him onto a piano for two. Then Elias drops Ryker onto the piano for two of his own. Elias breaks the cello over Ryker’s back for two more and they finally get back inside. That doesn’t last long as Ryker superplexes him through two tables at ringside for the pin at 12:45.

Result: Jaxson Ryker – Superplex to the floor through two tables (12:45)

Mansoor has gotten himself and Mustafa Ali a tag match next week, which does not please Ali. Mansoor talks about how he has seen that Ali was right so Ali tells him not to screw it up. Sheamus comes in to complain about his match against Humberto Carrillo tonight but has to do it anyway.

Here is Charlotte for her big celebration of winning the title again. Rhea Ripley can rip off as many of Charlotte’s moves as she wants, but Charlotte won the title anyway. After explaining that Becky Lynch isn’t here because she’s at home taking care of her baby, Charlotte brags about all of the congratulations that she has received and talks about how she has won eleven women’s titles. She can beat Rhea Ripley any time so here is Rhea to say she wants the rematch tonight. Charlotte says no, so Adam Pearce and Sonya Deville come out to make the match for tonight anyway. Charlotte kicks out Rhea’s knee and leaves.

Video on the Money in the Bank ladder matches.

Nia Jax/Shayna Baszler vs. Tamina/Natalya

Non-title. Joined in progress with Natalya knocking Baszler outside, where Jax hits a Samoan drop into the barricade. Back in and some double teaming has Natalya down, setting up the stomp to the arm. Jax goes shoulder first into the post though and Natalya’s discus lariat gets two. It’s off to Tamina, who gets caught on top. Reginald’s distraction gets Natalya’s attention so Baszler kicks her down, leaving Tamina to hit the superkick for the pin at 3:45.

Result: Tamina/Natalya b. Nia Jax/Shayna Baszler – Superkick to Baszler (3:45)

Post match it’s another argument, but this time Jax headbutts Reginald down and leaves with Shayna. Cue the 24/7 goons with Akira Tozawa running into the ring….where Reginald takes him down and hits a running flipping seated senton to win the title.

Sheamus vs. Humberto Carrillo

Non-title. Sheamus pounds him down to start but Carrillo gets up top for a high crossbody. That doesn’t work either, as Sheamus takes him outside and poses to send us to a break. Back with Sheamus hitting the forearms to the chest but Carrillo bites him. A bunch of kicks is capped off by a jumping kick to the face but Sheamus goes up top.

After grabbing his hand, Sheamus is pulled down with a super hurricanrana. A missile dropkick gives Carrillo two but he punches Sheamus in the STEEL mask. That lets Sheamus Brogue kicks him for the pin at 10:13. Note that Sheamus is still favoring his hand.

Result: Sheamus b. Humberto Carrillo – Brogue Kick (10:13)

Here are MVP and Bobby Lashley for an open challenge. MVP mocks the Dallas Cowboys and says that Kofi Kingston was right: Lashley had been getting soft because of the women and the champagne and the good life, but no more. Now no one is beating Lashley for the champion so tonight it is time for the ultimate champion to face some loser. Lashley says bring it on and…’s KEITH LEE.

Keith Lee vs. Bobby Lashley

Non-title, though Graves suggested it was a title match before the bell. The GOLDBERG chants start us off as they shove each other around to start. Lee powers him around but the Spirit Bomb is countered into a Downward Spiral. A running clothesline puts Lee on the floor but Lashley can’t lift him up for the ram into the post.

Instead Lee splashes him against the post but an MVP distraction lets Lashley knock Lee off the apron. The spear cuts Lee in half and Lashley hammers away back inside. The Hurt Lock is blocked though and Lashley gets flipped over. That’s fine with Lashley, who hits a spinebuster to take him down again. Another spear gives Lashley the pin at 5:53.

Result: Bobby Lashley b. Keith Lee – Spear (5:53)

Post match Lashley poses so here is Goldberg for the big return. Goldberg says he’s next and Lashley is ready but MVP holds them apart.

Post break, MVP says they aren’t acknowledging the return.

Here are Jinder Mahal, Veer and Shanky for a chat. Mahal, who is celebrating his birthday, is proud of what he did to Drew McIntyre last night because McIntyre embarrassed him last week with the fake sword. Then McIntyre destroyed Mahal’s motorcycle, but this isn’t about a motorcycle. Mahal wants McIntyre out here, so cue McIntyre from behind with a chair to clean house. Veer and Mahal bail, leaving Shanky to take an insane twenty chair shots to the back.

Karrion Kross video.

Karrion Kross vs. Jeff Hardy

Non-title, no Scarlett with Kross, and Hardy has No More Words back for his theme music. Kross starts fast but gets sent into the post. It’s way too early for the Swanton but the big forearm is cut off. They go into the corner with Hardy grabbing a rollup and putting his feet on the ropes for the pin at 1:40.

Result: Jeff Hardy b. Karrion Kross – Rollup with feet on the ropes (1:40)

Post match Kross promises that Hardy made a mistake and will fall and pray.

It’s time for Alexa’s Playground and Lilly is back. Eva Marie and Doudrop come in, with Eva threatening to have Doudrop beat Lilly up. Bliss wouldn’t recommend that but Eva leaves, only to trip over Doudrop’s foot. Bliss thinks Lilly did it.

Women’s Title: Rhea Ripley vs. Charlotte

Charlotte is defending and gets faceplanted to start. A whip into the corner has Charlotte shaken up again but she comes back with right hands to the face. Ripley shrugs them off and snaps off a German suplex, setting up a running basement dropkick for two. They head outside with Charlotte hitting a chop block to the bad knee, sending us to a break. Back with Charlotte taking the knee out again and crushing it on the mat.

Ripley manages a northern lights suplex but Charlotte boots her in the face. The moonsault hits raised knees though and Ripley grabs her own Figure Four. Charlotte turns that over for the break but Ripley hits a superkick into the Riptide for two as Charlotte gets a foot on the rope. That’s enough for Charlotte, who tries to walk out, only to hit Ripley in the face with the title for the DQ at 12:24.

Result: Rhea Ripley b. Charlotte via DQ when Charlotte used the title belt (12:24)

Post match Ripley jumps Charlotte again and lays her out….and we have a cash-in!

Women’s Title: Nikki Ash vs. Charlotte

Nikki is challenging and a high crossbody gives her the title in 10 seconds.

Result: Nikki Ash b. Charlotte – High crossbody (0:10)

Nikki celebrates in the crowd to end the show.

Thomas Hall has been a wrestling fan for over thirty years and has seen over 50,000 wrestling matches. He has also been a wrestling reviewer since 2009 with over 5,000 full shows covered. You can find his work at, or check out his- Amazon author page with 30 wrestling books.

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