Main Event Results – March 28, 2019

Main Event
Date: March 28, 2019
Location: TD Garden, Boston, Massachusetts
Commentators: Percy Watson, Byron Saxton, Renee Young

We’re long since in the home stretch towards Wrestlemania and that means we have a lot of recapping to do. I’m not sure what the point is in having these original matches when there is more stuff that could be done, but why mess with what….well I guess it’s worked somewhat over the rest of the year. Let’s get to it.

Opening sequence.

EC3 vs. Tyler Breeze

Breeze has gotten a haircut and hits a dropkick into an early chinlock. That’s reversed into a seated full nelson which is reversed with a jawbreaker as Renee seems to approve of EC3’s physique. There’s the EC3 Elbow but a powerbomb is countered into a superkick for two. Breeze’s hurricanrana gets the same but it’s the 1%er for the pin on Breeze at 4:48.

Result: EC3 b. Tyler Breeze – 1%er (4:48)

We look at the announcement of the Raw Women’s Title match main eventing Wrestlemania.

From Smackdown.

Smackdown Women’s Title: Asuka vs. Charlotte

Asuka is defending and the announcers are rather stunned. They fight over wrist control to start until Asuka grabs a headlock. A shot to the ribs puts Charlotte on the floor and we take a break. Back with Asuka getting two off a sunset flip but getting kicked in the knee. Asuka shrugs off the kicks and hits a hip attack in the corner, followed by a sliding basement dropkick for two. Another hip attack misses and Charlotte kicks her in the face. Charlotte’s moonsault is countered into the Asuka Lock with a rollup getting Charlotte out of trouble.

Back from a second break with Asuka getting two more off another kick to the head. Asuka heads up top but gets caught in a super Spanish Fly for a rather near fall. The followup takes too long though and it’s a triangle choke from Asuka, which is reversed into a sitout powerbomb. The Figure Eight gives Charlotte the title at 15:52.

Result: Charlotte b. Asuka – Figure Eight (15:52)

This one came out of nowhere:

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From Raw.

Here’s Drew McIntyre with a clip from two weeks ago when he attacked Roman Reigns. Then last week he challenged Roman to a match at Wrestlemania. Back in the arena, Drew says he hopes someone got through to Reigns because he’s already beaten Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins. Now he’s going to appeal to Joe the man, the husband and the father. Reigns has already been through enough because they’ve already watched their dad fight for his life. Do they want to see him go through it again at Wrestlemania when he’s going to lose this time?

This brings out Reigns to say that he accepts, but this is coming from Joe: don’t ever run your mouth about his wife and kids. The fight is on with Reigns getting the better of it until a low blow and Claymore take Roman out.

He’s back and ready to fight:

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Wrestlemania rundown.

Heavy Machinery vs. Ascension

Tucker and Konnor start things off with Konnor driving him into the corner so Viktor can come off the top with a sunset flip. That’s fine with Otis, who comes in for the double running knee to Viktor’s head. Otis slugs away in the corner but another blind tag to Viktor lets him low bridge Otis to the floor to take over.

Back from a break with Konnor dropping a knee for two and bringing Viktor in (this time minus the blind factor) for some shots to the ribs. The chinlock lasts all of five seconds before Konnor goes with right hands in the corner. A double clothesline gets Otis out of trouble and it’s back to Tucker for the spirited comeback. Everything breaks down and Otis busts out the Caterpillar to a very strong reaction. So that’s over at least. The Compactor finishes Viktor at 11:17.

Result: Heavy Machinery b. Ascension – Compactor to Viktor (11:17)

We wrap it up with clips of the falls in the tag team gauntlet match from Smackdown, finishing things up with Vince McMahon saying that Kofi Kingston is going to Wrestlemania.

We’ll go with the best part of the match:

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Thomas Hall has been a wrestling fan for over thirty years and has seen over 50,000 wrestling matches. He has also been a wrestling reviewer since 2009 with over 5,000 full shows covered. You can find his work at, or check out his Amazon author page with 28 wrestling books. His latest book is the the Complete 2000 Monday Nitro and Thunder Reviews Part 1.

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