Main Event Results – August 12, 2021

Main Event
Date: August 12, 2021
Location: Amway Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Kevin Patrick, Byron Saxton

This show continues to vex me but the last few weeks have taken away some of the fun that it can offer. They are getting back into the funk that has a tendency to stick around for years around here and I’m not sure if we are going to see it broken up anytime soon. At least the Summerslam build should be….let’s get to it.

Opening sequence.

Aliyah vs. Dakota Kai

Kai is suddenly a face here, even with commentary explaining her issues with Raquel Gonzalez. They trade waistlocks to start and Aliyah doesn’t seem impressed, even as she hides in the ropes. Back up and Kai takes her down by the arm, setting up a running dropkick for two. Aliyah gets in something like an Eye of the Hurricane out of the corner for two of her own and there’s a toss into another corner.

The crossarm choke goes on to keep Kai in trouble but she powers up for the break without much trouble. There’s a Scorpion kick to rock Aliyah again and Kai hits the running kicks to the face in the corner. The Kairopractor gets the same but Aliyah is back with a northern lights suplex for two more. Something like a running DDT finishes Kai at 5:27.

Result: Aliyah b. Dakota Kai – Running DDT (5:27)

We recap Sasha Banks returning, teaming with Bianca Belair and then turning on Belair, all in the span of about an hour and a half.

From Smackdown.

Bianca Belair vs. Zelina Vega

Non-title. Belair goes right after her to start but gets rolled up for a fast two. Vega gets sent to the apron but grabs Belair by the hair to take over. That doesn’t seem to bother Belair, who gorilla presses Vega but here is Sasha Banks for a distraction. Vega slips out and takes Belair down as we take a break.

Back with Belair fighting out of a chinlock but Vega sends her hard into the corner. The choke goes on so Belair drives her into the corner as well for a break. Belair suplexes her down but a delayed suplex is countered into a DDT. With Belair on the floor, Vega tries a hurricanrana from the apron, only to get pulled out of the air and swung into the apron. Back in and the KOD finishes Vega at 9:50.

Result: Bianca Belair b. Zelina Vega – KOD (9:50)

We look at Finn Balor nearly getting to sign to face Roman Reigns for the Universal Title at Summerslam until Baron Corbin interrupted.

From Smackdown.

Finn Balor vs. Baron Corbin

Corbin has lost his music but hold on though as he has something to say. He offers Balor an apology for last week but gets punched in the face as Balor DOES NOT accept. Corbin knocks him into the corner and punches at the ribs but gets taken down again in a hurry. There’s the Sling Blade to drop Corbin and the shotgun dropkick puts him into the corner. The Coup de Grace gives Balor the pin at 2:46.

Result: Finn Balor b. Baron Corbin – Coup de Grace (2:46)

Post match Balor says he wants the Universal Title match with Roman Reigns and if he has to go through John Cena to get there, name the place and the time. Cue Roman Reigns and Paul Heyman to interrupt though and, after a break, they get in the ring for a chat. Reigns talks about how he was trying to give Balor an opportunity, so keep the Head of the Table’s name out of your mouth.

Reigns drops the mic and goes to leave but gets shoved out to the floor. The fight is teased (with the fans chanting for Cena) but here are the Usos to jump Balor from behind. The Superfly Splash misses though and Balor fights back, drawing Reigns back in for the brawl. Balor takes Reigns down but the Usos lay him out. Reigns guillotines Balor for the tap to end the show.

We look at Charlotte beating Nikki Ash.

From Raw.

Nikki Ash vs. Rhea Ripley

Non-title and Nikki has banged up ribs. Nikki headlocks her down to start but gets faceplanted in a hurry. Ripley sends things outside and Nikki goes ribs first into the apron. We take a break and come back with Ripley planting her down again and hammering on the ribs. A flapjack is countered into a DDT though and both of them are down. Nikki rolls her up for two and counters the Riptide into a crossbody for two. Ripley catches her on top but the superplex is broken up, only to have Charlotte come in to shoves Nikki down for the DQ at 9:20.

Result: Nikki Ash b. Rhea Ripley via DQ when Charlotte interfered (9:20)

Post match Charlotte takes out Ripley with Natural Selection. Charlotte holds up the title, because she is smarter and better than everyone else.

Summerslam rundown.

Odyssey Jones vs. Austin Theory

Jones is a big monster and Theory is a bit of a prodigy you’ve probably seen before. Theory gets shoved around without much trouble to start and Jones knocks Theory’s running shoulder out of the air with ease. It’s time to get smart for a change as Theory hits a rolling dropkick but gets knocked outside again.

We take a break and come back with Theory grabbing a lengthy chinlock. Some knees to the ribs don’t do much to Jones and an attempt at a fireman’s carry proves to be a bad idea. Theory manages some shots to the face but charges into something like a scoop belly to back suplex. Jones hits a frog splash for the quick pin at 7:04.

Result: Odyssey Jones b. Austin Theory – Frog splash (7:04)

Video on the bizarre history of RKBro.

From Raw.

Here is the returning Randy Orton to a heck of a face reaction. Orton grabs the mic but here’s Riddle to cut him off. Riddle is REALLY happy that Orton is back because now they can be a team again. Riddle wants to know where Orton has been because his stepdad left like that too and never came home. Orton asks why Riddle thinks Orton wants to be a team with someone as goofy as Riddle. He talks about how ridiculous Riddle is, prompting Riddle to ask if that means Orton doesn’t want to team with him.

Cue Omos and AJ Styles, with AJ talking about how Orton is a snake and of course he’s done with the team. AJ keeps going until Orton cuts him off, saying the only thing bigger than AJ’s ego is this jackass right here next to him. The challenge is thrown out for tonight and Orton uppercuts AJ. The RKO to Omos is swatted away and Riddle’s attempt doesn’t go much better. A chokeslam leaves Riddle laying and Orton walks away, with Riddle staggering behind him.

From Raw.

Randy Orton vs. AJ Styles

Omos is here with Styles. Orton takes him down to start and gets in the big stomp before sending Styles outside. An Omos distraction lets AJ send him into the apron though and there’s the slingshot forearm to send us to a break. Back with Orton fighting out of a chinlock to start the slugout. The powerslam and backbreaker get two each but Orton comes up favoring his knee.

After blowing a kiss to Omos, Orton loads up the top rope superplex but AJ slips between the legs and pulls him down. The Calf Crusher goes on, sending Orton straight to the rope. The hanging DDT plants AJ but Omos offers a distraction to break up the RKO. Cue Riddle to post and choke Omos, who drives him into the post for the break. The Phenomenal Forearm is countered into the RKO to give Orton the pin at 11:19.

Result: Randy Orton b. AJ Styles – RKO (11:19)

Post match Orton yells at Riddle for coming out here but RIddle wants a hug. Orton tries to leave but eventually gives in to the hug. The fans love it and they pose….until the RKO lays Riddle out.

Thomas Hall has been a wrestling fan for over thirty years and has seen over 60,000 wrestling matches. He has also been a wrestling reviewer since 2009 with over 6,000 full shows covered. You can find his work at, or check out his- Amazon author page with 30 wrestling books.

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