Mae Young Classic Results – September 5, 2018

Mae Young Classic
Date: September 5, 2018
Location: Full Sail University, Winter Park, Florida
Commentators: Michael Cole, Beth Phoenix, Renee Young

Well it worked the first time. This is the first episode of the second edition of the tournament and this year’s version is being shown a little differently. Instead of having big batches of four episodes at a time, it’s a weekly show every Wednesday after NXT, which is probably a better idea. I’ve done my best to avoid spoilers here so let’s get to it.

All matches are first round matches.

We open with a look at last week’s tournament, with Kairi Sane defeating Shayna Baszler in the finals. Various women talk about how important it is to win the second tournament.

Opening sequence.

The announcers welcome us to the show.

Zatara is a masked wrestler from Chile. She wants to show the world how great her country can be and says she’s smart.

Tegan Nox (better known as Nixon Newell) is from Wales and is influenced by Molly Holly, who did things no one else was doing. She was supposed to be involved last year but tore her ACL.

Tegan Nox vs. Zatara

They fight over a wristlock to start with Zatara’s kicks to the leg not keeping Nox down. A dropkick sends Zatara out to the floor and a slow motion 619 makes her duck. Back in and Zatara takes Nox down by the knee and puts on some cross between a Figure Four and an Indian deathlock. Nox dives over to the rope and limps/runs for an uppercut in the corner. A high crossbody gives Nox two but a missile dropkick sends her sprawling. Zatara misses a dropkick to the back though and a Shining Wizard gives Nox the pin at 6:11.

Result: Tegan Nox b. Zatara – Shining Wizard (6:11)

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Ember Moon and Alexa Bliss are here.

Rhea Ripley is from Australia and is much more serious after losing last year.

MJ Jenkins has big hair, talks about herself in the third person and is from New York.

Rhea Ripley vs. MJ Jenkins

Jenkins likes to shake her hips a lot and Ripley won’t shake hands. An early armdrag takes Ripley down but she dropkicks Jenkins to the floor. The fans are WAY behind Ripley here and a hard clothesline gets two. A delayed suplex gets two and the abdominal stretch, with an elbow to the ribs, has Jenkins in trouble.

The announcers talk about Ripley being a huge Miz fan, which they agree that Miz can never know about. Jenkins fights up (with Renee being VERY happy) with an elbow and shoulder block, followed by a roundhouse kick from the apron. A missile dropkick gets two on Ripley but she ducks another kick to the head, setting up a sitout pumphandle slam for the pin on Jenkins at 6:40.

Result: Rhea Ripley b. MJ Jenkins – Sitout pumphandle slam (6:40)

Vanessa Kraven says she looks like a monster but has a sweet playful side.

Lacey Lane wants to prove how awesome women can be compared to men and she’s inspired by the Dudleys.

Lio Rush is here.

Vanessa Kraven vs. Lacey Lane

Lane is the hometown girl and Cole thinks she’s the wildcard pick to win the whole thing. Kraven is 6’2 and 200lbs so she’s got quite the size advantage over the pretty small Lane. Lane has to move around to start but her crucifix attempt is shrugged off. Some forearms in the corner have no effect so Lane kicks her in the head for some more success. A double springboard wristdrag sends Kraven to the floor and Lane cartwheels on the apron to kick her in the head again.

That kind of offense can’t last forever though as Kraven catches her and drops Lane face first onto the apron. Back in and a cannonball crushes Lane for two, followed by an over the shoulder backbreaker to make things even worse. Lane kicks her way out and hits a jawbreaker into a low superkick. A spinning side slam gives Kraven two as the fans are behind Lane. It seems to work quite well as a quick crucifix bomb gives Lane the surprise pin at 4:50.

Result: Lacey Lane b. Vanessa Kraven – Crucifix bomb (4:50)

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Natalya is thrilled to be here and picks Mia Yim or Io Shirai to win.

Meiko Satomura wrestled on Nitro when she was 16 and has never given up on her dream. Now she’s the grizzled veteran wanting one last shot.

Killer Kelly (who was on some of the UK specials) is from Portugal and has an MMA background which will carry her far.

Meiko Satomura vs. Killer Kelly

Satomura is a legend and Kelly was inspired by Kane. Meiko kicks at the leg to start as the announcers drool over her. Back up and a headlock keeps Kelly in trouble and works on the knee to keep an escaping Kelly down. The headlock goes on again but this time Kelly fights her way out for a bicycle kick. Satomura pulls her straight back down into a heck of an STF but Kelly is next to the ropes for the break, though she looks terrified.

Some hard kicks to the chest have Kelly in trouble and all she can do is take them. A suplex gives Kelly a breather so Meiko cartwheels into a double kick to the back. Meiko heads up top but Kelly catches her and pulls it down into a dragon sleeper in the Tree of Woe. A running basement dropkick sets up a fisherman’s suplex for two on Meiko as the fans think this is awesome. Fair enough actually. Back up and Meiko scores with a Pele kick and a hard Death Valley Driver for the pin at 7:40.

Result: Meiko Satomura b. Killer Kelly – Death Valley Driver (7:40)

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Thomas Hall has been a wrestling fan for over thirty years and has seen over 50,000 wrestling matches. He has also been a wrestling reviewer since 2009 with over 5,000 full shows covered. You can find his work at, or check out his Amazon author page with 28 wrestling books. His latest book is the the Complete 2003 Smackdown Reviews.

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