Jeff Hardy Arrested, Facing Charges Of Driving Under The Influence And More

That’s always sad to see. There are a lot of people in the wrestling business and some of them have some issues that take place outside of the ring. Unfortunately some of these are rather serious, including problems that can put the wrestlers and others in danger. That seems to be the case again, as a wrestler with a long history of issues has had another serious problem.

As announced by the Volusia County, Florida police department, AEW’s Jeff Hardy has been arrested and faces a number of charges. This includes driving on a suspended license, violating restrictions placed on a driver’s license and driving under the influence, with the latter being the third such charge that Hardy has faced in three years. Hardy is currently scheduled to team with his brother to challenge for the AEW Tag Team Titles this week on Dynamite.

Opinion: I’m not even sure what to say at this point. It is clear that hardy needs help and there is nothing that can be done to fix that until Hardy is ready to get help. The only other solution is to put him in jail and I’m not sure I see that happening. I have no idea what AEW is going to do with this but I would hope that he is not appearing on television anytime soon, as it would be quite the misfire on all sides.

What do you think of Hardy’s situation? What should AEW do about him? Let us know in the comments below.

Thomas Hall has been a wrestling fan for over thirty years and has seen over 60,000 wrestling matches. He has also been a wrestling reviewer since 2009 with over 6,000 full shows covered. You can find his work at, or check out his- Amazon author page with 30 wrestling books.

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