Impact Wrestling Results – February 10, 2022

Impact Wrestling
Date: February 10, 2022
Location: Charles Dodge Center, Fort Lauderdale, Florida
Commentators: Matthew Rehwoldt, Tom Hannifan

We’re almost up to No Surrender and the card is starting to look good. What makes things all the better is that the entire show has been working in the last few weeks. The Bullet Club is here and seems to be going after the Tag Team Titles, which is better than putting them near the top of the card. Other than that, Honor No More continues to look interesting and I want to know where they’re going in the long run. Let’s get to it.

The opening recap looks at W. Morrissey attacking Moose on the way to their World Title match.

Opening sequence.

Here is Josh Alexander for a chat, but first he has to soak in some WALKING WEAPON chants. He isn’t about to let Impact Wrestling go to war against Honor No More without him so he’ll be there at No Surrender. That isn’t the only match at No Surrender, as W. Morrissey is going for the World Title against Moose. While he’s going to war, he’s next in line for whoever comes out of No Surrender with the title. Cue Big Kon (Konner of Ascension fame) to interrupt so Alexander says he’ll do this right now. Kon didn’t even say anything.

Josh Alexander vs. Big Kon

Alexander beats him up in the corner and wins with the ankle lock in 40 seconds.

Result: Josh Alexander b. Big Kon – Ankle lock (0:40)

Post match the ankle lock stays on until Alexander lets go to beat up security. Cue Scott D’Amore for the save, but Alexander shoves him down too. Alexander knows he screwed up so D’Amore talks about their history together. D’Amore remembers him showing up at the Team Canada dojo as a kid still wet behind the ears. Then one of his best friends told him that she had met the one, and that was Alexander.

D’Amore has been there for almost every major event of Alexander’s life, including signing with Impact. Then he became the World Champion, so what does D’Amore want? Alexander gets serious and says he wants his coach instead of the boss. All he can think of is looking at his wife and son crying because he was never able to put the World Title on. D’Amore says it’s a process to get back to his rematch but Alexander doesn’t want to hear that. That’s too far for D’Amore, who takes Alexander out of No Surrender and sends him home. Alexander: “I AM HOME!”

Post break, Steve Maclin offers to take Alexander’s place at No Surrender. Scott D’Amore says he’s letting Team Impact pick the replacement.

Here’s what’s coming tonight and at No Surrender.

Deonna Purrazzo comes out and we have an open challenge for either of her Women’s Titles.

Ring of Honor Women’s Title: Deonna Purrazzo vs. Santana Garrett

Garrett is the surprise challenger. They trade the rollups to start but Purrazzo isn’t interested in a handshake. Instead, she sends Garrett to the apron and then knocks her into the barricade a we take a break. Back with Purrazzo staying on the arm but Garrett starts firing off some running forearms. Something close to a Muta Lock sends Purrazzo crawling to the ropes before she switches into a Koji Clutch. That’s broken up as well and Garrett kicks her in the face. Garrett goes up, only to dive into the Fujiwara armbar. She manages to spin out for half a second but Purrazzo pulls her into a rollup to retain at 9:33.

Result: Deonna Purrazzo b. Santana Garrett – Rollup (9:33)

Team Impact wants to pick Jonathan Gresham, but they might want to talk to him first.

Mickie James vs. Chelsea Green

Non-title with Tasha Steelz on commentary. They fight over a lockup to start until Green works on a wristlock. Mickie does it again as commentary turns into an argument over the New England Patriots. A headlock frustrates Green but she slips out, meaning Mickie needs to bail outside. Steelz: “MAKE DONOVAN (Mickie’s son) PROUD!” Chelsea uses the distraction to hit a baseball slide, followed by a cutter back inside. Steelz says that is HER move and throws trash at Green. Cue Savannah Evans to trip Green for the DQ at 3:56.

Result: Chelsea Green b. Mickie James via DQ when Savannah Evans interfered (3:56)

Bhupinder Gujjar is proud to be here after leaving his family to come here. Cue Raj Singh but Gujjar walks away.

The IIconics come up to Kaleb With A K and try to get him to take their photos. Madison Rayne comes up and she isn’t happy. The IIconics leave so Madison yells at him.

Here is Bullet Club for a chat. Jay White says he is back and this time he has brought his friends. Tama Tonga brags about the Guerrillas of Destiny’s success and says they’re coming for the Impact Tag Team Titles. Then there is Violent By Design, because the Good Brothers want their own group.

Cue Violent By Design, with Eric Young saying this is a family instead of a bunch of guys trying to do what was cool ten years ago. White laughs off the idea and lists off everything he has done. Young can face him at No Surrender, but Young says let’s do a six man next week. The fight is teased for now but here are the Good Brothers to interrupt.

The Brothers would appreciate a thank you for everything the Club is enjoying but Tama Tonga laughs it off. Anderson says that they have dominated every company with letters that matters, but Tama says it’s because they keep getting fired.

Jonathan Gresham has been attacked.

We look at Matt Cardona turning heel to take the Digital Media Title from Jordynne Grace last week.

Cardona talks about how he was screwed out of the World Title last month. No one apologized to him, so he knew he needed to do something different this year. He has been in the ring with everyone and Grace was his toughest opponent ever. She has a rematch for No Surrender, so she better be ready.

Matt Taven/Mike Bennett vs. Rhino/Rich Swann

The rest of Honor No More and Team Impact are here too, with Maria on commentary. Taven knocks Swann down to start as Maria lists off Taven and Bennett’s successes. Swann is sent outside, where the threat of a beatdown means Honor No More is ejected (Maria is not happy).

We take a break and come back with Team Impact gone as well as Taven hits a Blue Thunder Bomb for two on Swann. Bennett’s brainbuster gets two more but the spike piledriver is blocked. Swann enziguris his way out of trouble and the hot tag brings in Rhino to clean house. Maria pops up to throw powder in Rhino’s face though and it’s the Climax to give Taven the pin at 9:14.

Result: Matt Taven/Mike Bennett b. Rhino/Rich Swann – Climax to Rhino (9:14)

Post match Swann gets beaten down and former Ring of Honor owner Cary Silkin isn’t happy. Cue Steve Maclin for the save and Rhino Gores the heck out of Bennett.

In the back, Maclin pitches himself for Team Impact but Eddie Edwards doesn’t buy it. Ian Riccaboni thinks Maclin is a good idea and Chris Sabin welcomes him to the team. The rest of the team doesn’t seem sure but Maclin appears to be in.

Gisele Shaw says she didn’t steal Lady Frost’s spotlight because Frost never had it in the first place.

Here’s what’s coming next week.

W. Morrissey vs. Brian Myers

No DQ and the Learning Tree is here with Myers. Morrissey takes the Tree out before the bell though and the destruction seems to be starting fast. The Tree comes back in so Myers can hit the Roster Cut. Instead of covering though, it’s time for a table. Zicky Dice is kicked through said table and another one falls down as soon as Morrissey is laid on it. Morrissey fights up again and chokeslams VSK off the top through a table leaned up against the ring.

We take a break and come back with Myers hitting Morrissey with a kendo stick and suplexing him on the ramp. Back in and more kendo stick shots keep Morrissey in trouble, but Myers makes it worse by duct taping him to the middle rope. Myers hits him with various things, including several trash can shots.

Coast To Coast drives the trash can into Morrissey and Myers untapes him for two. Another Roster Cut is blocked with a hard clothesline from Morrissey, who is rather fired up. The kendo stick is broken over Morrissey’s knee and there’s the powerbomb. The fans want one more so Morrissey obliges, albeit on some thumbtacks. A second powerbomb onto the tacks finish Myers at 14:41.

Result: W. Morrissey b. Brian Myers – Powerbomb onto thumbtacks (14:41)

Post match Moose runs in for the beatdown and wraps a chair around Morrissey’s throat. Another chair is used like a hammer to crush said throat to end the show.

Josh Alexander b. Big Kon – Ankle lock
Deonna Purrazzo b. Santana Garrett – Rollup
Chelsea Green b. Mickie James via DQ when Tasha Steelz interfered
Matt Taven/Mike Bennett b. Rhino/Rich Swann – Climax to Rhino
W. Morrissey b. Brian Myers – Powerbomb onto thumbtacks

Thomas Hall has been a wrestling fan for over thirty years and has seen over 60,000 wrestling matches. He has also been a wrestling reviewer since 2009 with over 6,000 full shows covered. You can find his work at, or check out his- Amazon author page with 30 wrestling books

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