Huge Sign That Naomi And Sasha Banks Are Returning To WWE

That’s a big development. WWE’s roster looks very different than it did six months ago with several names returning to the company. While there have been several different names added in, there have also been some names who have left the fold. It can mean something when those people return to the company and now we might be getting ready to see some of those returns.

Sasha Banks and Naomi returned to the WWE signature intro as of this weekend’s Crown Jewel event. They had not been in the intro as recently as earlier this week. While not confirmed, this would suggest that the two of them may be back on their way to WWE. Banks and Naomi have been missing from WWE since they walked out on the company in late May, vacating the Women’s Tag Team Titles in the process.

Opinion: We seem to have been moving towards Banks and Naomi returning for several weeks now and the question is when will the two be back. Allowing them to be back in the signature intro would be a big indication that the two are coming back to the company, which could be quite the shakeup. I could go with seeing what WWE is planning to do with them, but they need to actually get back to company already.

What do you think of the change? Do you want Banks and Naomi back? Let us know in the comments below.

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