Great Health News On Two Wrestling Legends

That’s great to hear. Wrestlers are larger than life characters who are on our televisions almost every week, but there is another side to them that we rarely see. Aside from just their wrestling careers, they also have real lives outside of the ring and that can include having some problems. Two legends certainly did have some problems as of late, but things might be getting a bit better.

There is some good news on the health statuses of two wrestling legends. First, Jim Duggan has been released from the hospital following emergency surgery earlier this week. There is no word on what was wrong with Duggan in the first place, but he has sent out a message on Instagram, saying that he is going home to full recuperate after two nights in the hospital.

In addition, Brian Knobs of the Nasty Boys has posted a new message to Facebook, revealing that he has lost 60lbs while still in the hospital and continues to undergo rehabilitation. Knobs has been in the hospital since August with a variety of issues and there is no word on when he will be released. The post also includes a photo of Knobs with Ric Flair, who recently visited him in the hospital.

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They have both had some excellent careers. Check out what the two of them did over the years:

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Opinion: This is great to hear on both counts as neither of them were exactly looking great for a little while. The fact that Duggan is out of the hospital and Knobs is looking far better are both excellent things to see. It’s always great to see that someone is in better health and it is going to be even better to hear some more positives updates on the two of them going forward.

What is your favorite moment for both of them? Where did they do their best work? Let us know in the comments below.

Thomas Hall has been a wrestling fan for over thirty years and has seen over 60,000 wrestling matches. He has also been a wrestling reviewer since 2009 with over 6,000 full shows covered. You can find his work at, or check out his- Amazon author page with 30 wrestling books.

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