Get Well Soon: Wrestling Legend Reveals Recent Health Issues

That’s never good to hear. Wrestlers work very hard to make their matches look as good as possible, which can be rather taxing on their bodies. At some point, the physical issues begin to take their toll and it can slow their careers down. Unfortunately that is not something they can turn off once they retire, and now a wrestling legend is dealing with such troubles.

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Via his Instagram, former WWE star Stevie Richards has revealed that he is suffering from unspecified health issues. The photo shows Richards using a walker and wearing what appears to be a medical gown in a medical facility. Richards said that the last four weeks have been difficult but “hopefully the road to recovery starts asap”. He promised to explain what was going on via his YouTube channel and Instagram. PWInsider is reporting that Richards has been deling with back and spine issues. Richards last wrestled in August 2021.

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Richards had quite the career. Check out his time around the wrestling world:

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Opinion: This is the kind of thing that you see happen to wrestlers more often than anyone would like and that is never a good thing. Richards wrestled for a very long time and that is the kind of thing that can cause a variety of health issues. Hopefully the treatment that Richards is receiving is able to make things that much better, though back problems, assuming that is the case, can take a long time to heal, if they heal at all.

What do you think of Richards’ career? Where did he do his best work? Let us know in the comments below.

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