Gable Steveson Takes Huge Step Forward In WWE Career

That’s a step. Top level professional are among the most well trained and skilled athletes in the world. It can take years of training and practice to reach the point where they are able to have that kind of match and several steps have to be taken to make that work. Now a top level prospect has taken one of the most important steps towards becoming a professional wrestler.

In 2021, WWE announced that Olympic gold medal winning wrestler Gable Steveson had been signed to the company and was even drafted to Monday Night Raw. Steveson began training for professional wrestling but has yet to officially debut. According to the Wrestling Observer Newsletter, Steveson has begun wrestling practice matches at the WWE Performance Center. There is no word on when he will debut on WWE TV.

Opinion: This is a big step for Steveson but it could be a long time before he actually gets in the ring in a meaningful way. Steveson is potentially one of the biggest signings in the history of WWE but at some point he is going to have to wrestle a professional match. The good thing is that he has not actually gotten in a ring in front of people so it isn’t like he has started with a disaster. Maybe he is just a slow learner, and if that is the case, he could be worth the wait.

What do you think of Steveson? How far could he go in WWE? Let us know in the comments below.

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