AEW Rampage Results – December 31, 2021

Date: December 31, 2021
Location: Daily’s Place, Jacksonville, Florida
Commentators: Excalibur, Taz, Ricky Starks

It’s the very last show of the year for any company, as this one is going all the way to an hour before the New Year on the east coast. There is a fairly big card tonight with an anything goes women’s tag and Cody Rhodes defending the TNT Title. That doesn’t sound too bad so let’s get to it.

Opening sequence.

Anthony Bowens vs. Darby Allin

Max Caster’s rap is about the booster shot and putting people away like Ghislaine Maxwell. Allin starts fast with an early rollup for two, sending Bowens bailing to the floor in a hurry. Back in and Allin ducks a clothesline and dropkicks Bowens right back to the floor. We take a break and come back with Bowens catching a splash in the corner but Allin grabs some rollups for two each anyway.

Allin heads up for the Coffin Drop but gets knocked down, with his arm landing pretty hard. A twisting DDT out of the corner gives Bowens two so he goes up, only to have Allin run the corner and step on his hand. Sting and Caster get in a fight on the floor, allowing Bowens to send Allin into the barricade. Back in again and Allin grabs a Code Red for two, setting up a flip dive outside to take out the Acclaimed. The Coffin Drop finishes Bowens at 10:08.

Result: Darby Allin b. Anthony Bowens – Coffin Drop (10:08)

Post match, Andrade El Idolo comes out for a distraction, allowing the Acclaimed to blast Sting with the boombox.

We get the return of Technique With Taz, looking at Hook.

Penelope Ford/The Bunny vs. Tay Conti/Anna Jay

No DQ and the fight is on in a hurry. Conti and Jay take them down to start and set up a table on the flor but Ford posts Jay hard. A bicycle kick takes out Conti and Ford goes up top for a moonsault onto Conti onto the table….which doesn’t budge an inch.

Back in and Ford breaks a bottle over Conti’s head to knock her silly. A bunch of weapons, including a very specially painted table (including a brass knuckles design) goes in, with Bunny and Conti already busted open. The table is put in the corner and the villains load up some open chairs in the middle of the ring. Back in and Jay suplexes Bunny onto the chairs and we take a break.

We come back with Jay trying the Queenslayer but getting driven through the table for her efforts. It’s already time for some thumbtacks, with Jay superplexing Bunny onto said tacks for two, with Ford diving in for the save. The save sends Ford’s hands into the tacks but she is fine enough to kick Conti down. Some stomps onto a chair crush Conti, setting up a piledriver from the apron through a table to knock Conti silly. Back in and Bunny grabs the brass knuckles but Jay wraps barbed wire around her arm and grabs the Queenslayer to finish Bunny at 11:19.

Result: Tay Conti/Anna Jay b. Penelope Ford/The Bunny – Queenslayer to Bunny (11:19)

Video on Hangman Page vs. Bryan Danielson.

Here’s what’s coming at various show.

The face to face interview has Dan Lambert talking about how Cody Rhodes made a bunch of deals to get where he is. Arn Anderson doesn’t want to hear it and says tonight, Cody is going to show something.

TNT Title: Cody Rhodes vs. Ethan Page

Cody, with Arn Anderson to counter Scorpio Sky and Dan Lambert, is defending. They start fast with Cody headlocking him down but Lambert grabs a foot to cut things off. Page grabs a suplex for two but they head to the apron, where Cody can’t hit Cross Rhodes. Back in and Cody goes after the leg, setting up an Indian Deathlock as we take a break.

We come back with Page hitting a gordbuster and Sky getting in a cheap shot. Cue Dustin Rhodes to go after Sky, but the distraction lets Cody hit Cross Rhodes for two. Cody takes him up top but gets caught in a heck of a super powerslam for two more. They slug it out with an exchange of kicks to the head, only to have Cody come back with the Cody Cutter. Cody goes up and gets pulled down with the Iconoclasm. The Ego’s Edge is escaped though and it’s a string of Cross Rhodes into the Tiger Driver 98 to finish Page at 14:18.

Result: Cody Rhodes b. Ethan Page – Tiger Driver 98 (14:18)

Thomas Hall has been a wrestling fan for over thirty years and has seen over 60,000 wrestling matches. He has also been a wrestling reviewer since 2009 with over 6,000 full shows covered. You can find his work at, or check out his- Amazon author page with 30 wrestling books.

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