Round Two: Belief That Vince McMahon Could Release Several WWE Wrestlers If This Happens

Yes, again. The changes on the WWE roster have been impossible to ignore in recent years, as all kinds of wrestlers have been let go from the company. However, under the new regime, several of them have been brought back, as Triple H hired them in the first place and now wants them around again. Should things fall a different way though, it might not be the brightest future.

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In a recent mailbag column,’s Dave Scherer said he believed that if McMahon returned to his position as head of WWE creative, he would fire/release the same wrestlers he let go before. The logic behind this would be that if McMahon did not see anything in the wrestlers before, he probably will not see anything new now. So far, there is nothing to suggest that McMahon has returned to creative or if he plans to do so at the moment. This should be seen as an OPINION rather than a fact.

McMahon released some talented stars. Check out some of the names he let go:

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Opinion: Unfortunately, this is the kind of thing that is hanging over WWE’s head at the moment. McMahon coming back in could wreck a lot of things that have been built up in recent months and while there is no guarantee that it happens, there is always the chance. That is a scary situation for a lot of people, including several fans. Hopefully nothing comes of it, but you never can tell.

Will McMahon return to WWE creative? What happens if he does? Let us know in the comments below.

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