38 Year Old Former WWE Star Wants To Return To WWE After 15 Year Break

So she’s in. There have been a lot of returns to WWE in recent months with names coming from out of nowhere after some rather long hiatuses. Seeing these stars come back has been quite the game changer for WWE as it leaves fans wondering who might be back next. Now another former WWE star is throwing her name out there for what would be one heck of a surprise return.

In a new interview with Just Alyx, former WWE star Kristal Marshall said that she would love to make a WWE return, even if it is just for one more match. While Marshall, 38, has not wrestled since since 2013, she said that she is in the best shape of her life. There is no word on if WWE is interested in bringing Marshall back. Marshall worked for WWE from 2005-2007 as a wrestler and backstage interviewer before appearing for Impact Wrestling in 2009-2010.

Opinion: I don’t know if I can see WWE bringing Marshall back in, even for a one off match, but there is something interesting about the fact that WWE has brought in so many names. Marshall is someone who could possibly show up in the Royal Rumble or something like that, which would work for a one off cameo. Just hearing from these people from so long ago is interesting and I could go for seeing some of them again.

What do you think of Marshall’s career? Will WWE bring her back in? Let us know in the comments below.

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The post 38 Year Old Former WWE Star Wants To Return To WWE After 15 Year Break appeared first on WrestlingRumors.net.

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