Original Plan For Erick Rowan’s Giant Spider Revealed (It’s A Little Better)

There was something in mind. WWE runs a lot of different angles on television in any given year. Some of them are more memorable than others and you will occasionally see one that sticks out for years. That might not always be a good thing though and now we know the original plans behind one of the more infamously strange stories that the company has presented in recent memory.

Back in November 2019, Erick Rowan began carrying a cage to the ring with him but no one could see what was inside. Over the next several months, whatever was in the cage proceeded to bite several people, including Rowan himself. The creature was eventually revealed to be a large spider, which was then crushed a week later. During a new interview with the 10 Count podcast, Rowan revealed that Seth Rollins told him the original plan called for the creature to be a pet rat. Rowan liked the idea as he felt it tied into his previous story where he tried to kill Roman Reigns. There is no word on why WWE changed plans.

Opinion: I’m not sure how good of an idea that would have been but it would have made more sense than to have it be a giant spider. The reveal that they went with never made any sense and I don’t know how happy a lot of people were with the concept. Rowan was gone from WWE shortly thereafter and unfortunately that is the last memory people have of him in the company. He could have done more and it would be nice to see him get one more chance, if he is interested of course.

What did you think of the reveal? What should have been in the cage? Let us know in the comments below.

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