AEW Rampage Results – May 13, 2022

Date: May 13, 2022
Location: UBS Arena, Belmont Park, New York
Commentators: Excalibur, Taz, Chris Jericho

We’re still in the weird time slot due to some kind of playoffs (basketpuck or hockball I believe) and that means a grand total of nothing on this show. Granted it means very few people are going to watch it, but it isn’t like that is AEW’s fault in this case. This week is going to have some Owen Hart Foundation tournament action so let’s get to it.

Opening sequence.

Death Triangle vs. Butcher/Blade/Marq Quen

Penta does the CERO MIEDO to Blade to start and then kicks him in the ribs. Pac comes in to hold Blade in place for the top rope double stomp What’s Up. Jericho’s voice sounds more than a bit off as Butcher comes in to take over on Pac. That doesn’t last long as Butcher is sent outside, allowing Fenix and Quen to come in. A pop up dropkick puts Fenix down and he gets sent outside for a whip into the barricade as we take a break.

Back with Fenix fighting out of a front facelock but Quen and the Butcher are right there to knock Pac and Penta off the apron. Everything breaks down and Quen hits a big flip dive onto Pac and Penta on the floor, leaving Fenix to get clotheslined down for two. A hurricanrana gets Fenix out of trouble as Kyle O’Reilly is shown watching in the crowd. Back in and Penta makes the save, getting to clean house and take over again. Pac’s German suplex gets two on Quen and it’s the spike Fear Factor. The Lucha Bros hit dives on Butcher and Blade, leaving the Black Arrow to finish Quen at 10:20.

Result: Death Triangle b. Butcher/Blade/Marq Quen – Black Arrow to Quen (10:20)

Post match the lights go out, the House of Black pops up, the lights go out again, and the House of Black pops down.

Shawn Spears vs. Bear Boulder

Spears shows him the TEN to start so Boulder grabs him in a gorilla press. That’s broken up so Boulder settles for a powerslam instead. Spears avoids a charge in the corner though and hammers away in the corner until Boulder grabs him by the throat. Boulder gets in his own right hands in the corner but gets reversed into the C4 to give Spears the fast pin at 2:05.

Result: Shawn Spears b. Bear Boulder – C4 (2:05)

Post match Spears unloads on him with the chair.

Tony Nese and Mark Sterling (in a neck brace and with a crutch) are NOT happy with their upcoming match against Hookhausen. Sterling doesn’t even have fights! Nese says he has destroyed Danhausen and he’s a premiere athlete. He can win on his own, so Sterling should put $10,000 on them.

Owen Hart Foundation Tournament First Round: Riho vs. Ruby Soho

Soho works on an armbar to start but gets reversed into la majistral for two. A running kick to the chest misses for Soho and Riho slips out of an over the shoulder backbreaker. Riho hits a double stomp to the ribs to rock Soho but she pulls Riho face first into the buckle to break it up.

There’s a headbutt to put Riho in trouble, only to have her tie the legs up and crank back to put Soho in trouble as we take a break. Back with Riho hitting a northern lights suplex for two but hang on as we need to look at things that happened in the break. Soho loads up a Blade Runner, which is reversed into a crucifix bomb for two. Back up and Soho hits a belly to back suplex, setting up a Blade Runner for the pin at 9:06.

Result: Ruby Soho b. Riho – Blade Runner (9:06)

Billy Gunn holds a meeting between the Gunn Club and the Acclaimed, who he thinks could be a great faction. They need hand gestures though, with the Club suggesting crotch chops. Billy shoots that down, but likes the scissoring deal. Now, catchphrases. Gunn Club: “Oh, you didn’t….” Billy: “NO! THAT WILL NEVER GET OVER!” The Acclaimed suggests “Yo, listen” and Billy is down with that. Now he has a match for them on Elevation!

Here are Jade Cargill and the Baddies for a chat. Cargill hits the catchphrase but Tony Schiavone has to announce that since Hikaru Shida is injured, so Red Velvet has to face Kris Statlander in the first round instead. That isn’t a bad thing for Cargill, but Statlander comes out for the staredown anyway.

Scorpio Sky is ready to defend the TNT Title against Kazarian because the champ’s word is his bond and he promised Kazarian the shot. Kazarian is ready too, and Sky having Dan Lambert and Ethan Page stay in the back makes it even better.

Here is what is coming up on various shows.

TNT Title: Scorpio Sky vs. Frankie Kazarian

Sky is defending. They fight over a lockup to start and neither get anywhere. Sky flips out of a wristlock but Kazarian runs him over with a double to give us a standoff. Kazarian takes him down and drops a leg to the arm, setting up a short armscissors. With that broken up, neither of them can grab their finisher so they collide for a double knockdown. A backslide gives Kazarian two and a fisherman’s suplex is good for the same. Sky sends him to the floor though and there’s the big flip dive to take Kazarian down again.

We take a break and come back with Kazarian hitting the slingshot Fameasser for two. A hard lariat drops Sky again but he is up with the TKO attempt. That’s reversed into a small package for two, followed by the springboard spinning legdrop to give Kazarian a rather delayed near fall. Sky heads to the apron so Kazarian slingshots him in for a heck of a cutter for two. The crossface chickenwing goes on but here is Dan Lambert for a distraction, allowing Ethan Page to come in with a belt shot….for two. Sky (who doesn’t seem to have seen the interference) is back up with the TKO to retain at 11;40.

Result: Scorpio Sky b. Frankie Kazarian – TKO (11:40)

Post match Kazarian tries to tell Sky what happened and Sky yells at Lambert and Page. Sky wants to know what happened, so Page grabs the mic and says yeah he did it. He did it for the team, so what team is Sky on? Then Sky hits Kazarian with the title and the beatdown is on. Lambert calls Sammy Guevara and “Whorehausen” (Tay Conti) into the ring and runs as Sammy makes the save (and holds up the title) to end the show.

Death Triangle b. Butcher/Blade/Marq Quen – Black Arrow to Quen
Shawn Spears b. Bear Boulder – C4
Ruby Soho b. Riho – Blade Runner
Scorpio Sky b. Frankie Kazarian – TKO

Thomas Hall has been a wrestling fan for over thirty years and has seen over 60,000 wrestling matches. He has also been a wrestling reviewer since 2009 with over 6,000 full shows covered. You can find his work at, or check out his- Amazon author page with 30 wrestling books.

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