Impact Wrestling Results – February 3, 2022

Impact Wrestling
Date: February 3, 2022
Location: Charles Dodge Center, Fort Lauderdale, Florida
Commentators: Matthew Rehwoldt, Tom Hannifan

We are on the way to No Surrender and things are starting to pick up. The main event is already set with W. Morrissey getting his World Title shot against Moose, but there is another major match on the card in a different way. The other major match will see a team of Impact wrestlers facing off with Honor No More, which should boost the story that much more. Other than that, the Bullet Club seems to be here again. Let’s get to it.

Opening recap.

Opening sequence.

Digital Media Title: Matt Cardona vs. Jordynne Grace

Cardona is challenging and shoves Grace around a few times to start, which has Grace a bit surprised. Grace’s running shoulders don’t do much good so she trips Cardona down instead. Cardona misses a neckbreaker but Grace misses a Vader bomb, allowing Cardona to suplex her into the corner. A regular suplex drops Grace again and there’s a hard whip into the corner. Some elbows miss as Cardona doesn’t seem to want to go after her, only to hit a slightly reluctant clothesline.

Grace is right back with a spinebuster and it’s time to start in on Cardona’s leg. A kick to the leg takes Cardona down and now the Vader Bomb connects for two. Back up and Cardona kicks her in the face as the reluctance is starting to go away. The Reboot connects for two and there’s the shocked kickout face. Grace gets in a desperation kick to the floor, with Cardona winding up in front of the title. Cardona picks it up but gets it taken away, allowing him to blast Grace with a chair instead. Radio Silence gives Cardona the pin and the title at 9:51.

Result: Matt Cardona b. Jordynne Grace – Radio Silence (9:51)

W. Morrissey hunts for and finds the Learning Tree. Scott D’Amore and security breaks it up though and Morrissey gets Brian Myers next week, No DQ, just as he wants.

No Surrender/tonight’s rundown.

Jonah vs. Crazzy Steve

The rest of Decay is here with Steve. Jonah shoves him down to start and grabs a choke but Steve bites his way to freedom. That’s not cool with Jonah, who sends him flying with a fireman’s carry toss. The Tsunami finishes Steve at 2:06.

Result: Jonah b. Crazzy Steve – Tsunami (2:06)

Post match another Tsunami is loaded up but Black Taurus gets in the way.

Matt Cardona is fired up about his win but is asked about what Chelsea Green will think. Cardona says to ask Jonathan Gresham what it’s like to be married to a loser (Gresham is Jordynne Grace’s husband).

Madison Rayne yells at Kaleb With A K when the IInspiration comes in. They have a present for him: a photo of the two of them.

Steve Maclin vs. Jonathan Gresham

Non-title, Ian Riccaboni is on commentary and Cary Silkin is watching. Maclin drives him into the corner to start but Gresham goes for the knee to escape. A headlock takeover has Maclin down and he spins over Maclin to put it on again. More headlocking keeps Maclin in trouble and a crucifix gives Gresham two. Maclin drives him throat first into the middle rope for the escape though and we take a break.

Back with Maclin dropping a knee on the ribs before running him over with an elbow to the face. The Boston crab is broken up though and the slugout is on. Gresham actually gets the better of things but a springboard moonsault press is countered into a powerslam. Maclin gets frustrated and hammers away in the ropes, which is enough for the DQ at 11:12.

Result: Jonathan Gresham b. Steve Maclin via DQ when Maclin attacked in the ropes (11:12)

Post match Maclin puts Gresham in the Boston crab for the tap but here is Honor No More for the beatdown. The team tries to get Gresham to join them but he leaves alone.

Josh Alexander vs. Vincent

The rest of Honor No More is here. Alexander elbows him in the face to start and they’re on the floor in a hurry. Some distractions let Vincent get in a cheap shot on Alexander and it’s a running basement Downward Spiral inside. Some elbows set up a chinlock but Alexander is up pretty quickly. That gets broken up as well, with Vincent switching over to a guillotine choke.

Alexander hits a hard German suplex for two and the fans are way behind him. Vincent hides behind the referee and the distraction lets him hit a Russian legsweep. Redrum only hits knees though and it’s an ankle lock to put Vincent in more trouble. Honor No More offers a distraction so Vincent can get in a rollup for two of his own. Cue the rest of Impact’s No Surrender team to take out Honor No More, leaving Alexander to take out Vincent’s leg. The ankle lock gives Alexander the win at 8:56.

Result: Josh Alexander b. Vincent – Ankle lock (8:56)

Post match Kenny King runs in to lay out Alexander and join Honor No More.

W. Morrissey finds Moose and jumps him in the back. He even puts Moose’s head in the freezer and slams the door on it over and over.

Honor No More is here to take over and are ready to fight at No Surrender.

John Skyler vs. Bhupinder Gujjar

Skyler runs him over with a shoulder to start but Gujjar kicks the leg out to put Skyler on the apron. A Russian legsweep sets up a quickly broken chinlock with Gujjar hitting a powerslam. Gujjar’s slingshot elbow gets two but Skyler catches him on the middle rope. That’s broken up though and a middle rope spear gives Gujjar the pin at 3:48.

Result: Bhupinder Gujjar b. John Skyler – Middle rope spear (3:48)

Post match Raj Singh comes out to applaud Gujjar, who walks off on his own.

We see a clip of Mickie James in the Royal Rumble.

Mickie James is happy with what she did but here is Tasha Steelz to interrupt. Steelz suggests, in song, that James is going to lose the title. James says she talks too much and here is Chelsea Green to stare down Steelz and Savannah Evans. James gives her a match next week.

Gisele Shaw is still coming.

Masha Slamovich vs. Kaci Lennox

Slamovich kicks her in the face to start and the Russian Death Device (scoop brainbuster) finishes at 43 seconds.

Result: Masha Slamovich b. Kaci Lennox – Russian Death Device (0:43)

Deonna Purrazzo talks about storming out of the State of the Knockouts division last week because she IS the state of the Knockouts division. She talks about some of her accomplishments and needs an audience, so next week, it’s an open challenge for either of her titles.

Here’s what’s coming next week/at No Surrender.

Bullet Club vs. Mike Bailey/Jake Something/Ace Austin/Madman Fulton

Chris Bey/Jay White/Guerrillas Of Destiny for the Club here. Bailey backs White into the corner to start so it’s Bey coming in for an exchange of flips. Bey takes Bailey into the corner so White can start stomping away as the Club starts taking turns on Bailey. A quick escape allows the tag off to Fulton, who is quickly double clotheslined out to the floor by the Guerrillas. Fulton is fine enough to pull Bey’s out of the air though and we take a break.

Back with Austin suplexing Bey for two and Fulton choking him in the corner. It’s back to Austin for a kick to the head in the corner, setting up a cartwheel moonsault for two. Bey manages to duck a springboard kick to the face though and comes back with a Superman forearm for a needed breather.

Austin isn’t about to let that happen though as he pulls Bey down, allowing Fulton to knock the rest of the Club off the apron. Bey kicks Austin in the face though and it’s off to Bailey vs. White. Some rapid fire kicks give Bailey two but White’s big Rock Bottom gets the same. The double tag brings in Tama Tonga to face Fulton, with the Guerrillas hitting the Magic Killer for two.

The Guerrillas get to wreck the rest of the team for a bonus but Bey’s frog splash hits Austin’s raised knees. Austin refuses to bring in Something, who finally just slaps Austin’s chest for the tag. House is cleaned for a bit but the Club gets the numbers advantage on Something. With the Club holding Something in place, the Art of Finesse finishes for Bey at 15:38.

Result: Bullet Club b. Jake Something/Ace Austin/Mike Bailey/Madman Fulton – Art of Finesse to Something (15:38)

Post match Violent By Design and the Good Brothers run in for the beatdown on the Club to end the show.

Matt Cardona b. Jordynne Grace – Radio Silence
Jonah b. Crazzy Steve – Tsunami
Jonathan Gresham b. Steve Maclin via DQ when Maclin attacked in the ropes
Josh Alexander b. Vincent – Ankle lock
Bhupinder Gujjar b. John Skyler – Middle rope spear
Masha Slamovich b. Kaci Lennox – Russian Death Device
Bullet Club b. Jake Something/Ace Austin/Mike Bailey/Madman Fulton – Art of Finesse to Something

Thomas Hall has been a wrestling fan for over thirty years and has seen over 60,000 wrestling matches. He has also been a wrestling reviewer since 2009 with over 6,000 full shows covered. You can find his work at, or check out his- Amazon author page with 30 wrestling books

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