205 Live Results – December 31, 2021

205 Live
Date: December 31, 2021
Location: Capitol Wrestling Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Nigel McGuinness, Vic Joseph

It’s the very final WWE show of the year and since I’m not sure there really is a Best Of for the new 205 Live, we’re getting a regular show. Normally I would say there won’t be much of an audience for this given the time and date, but would it be that much different than the regular show? Let’s get to it.

Edris Enofe vs. Guru Raaj

Enofe flips out of a wristlock to start as we hear about Raaj missing a long time due to an injury. Raaj takes hm down by the arm but Enofe is back up with a standing hurricanrana. A nice fisherman’s suplex gets two on Raaj but he is right back with a monkey flip for the save. Enofe hits a middle rope elbow to the face for two more before planting Raaj with a spinebuster. A shooting star press, with Enofe taking his time in completing the rotation, finishes Raaj at 4:54.

Result: Edris Enofe b. Guru Raaj – Shooting star press (4:54)

Amari Miller vs. Nikkita Lyons

Miller’s parents are in the crowd and this is Lyons’ debut. We hear about Lyons surviving as she grew up and her striking experience as she fights out of a wristlock to start. Lyons takes her down and we hit an early chinlock. A kick to the chest drops Miller and we hit the chinlock again. Miller is back up again with a gator roll into a spinning kick to the face. Something like a snapmare sends Lyons face first into Miller’s knee to give Miller the pin at 3:58.

Result: Amari Miller b. Nikkita Lyons – Facebuster onto the knee (3:58)

Dante Chen vs. Draco Anthony

They go with the grappling to start and exchange some wristlocks. Chen takes over with some armdrags into an armbar but Anthony is back up with a dropkick. Anthony counters a dive with a t-bone suplex for two and it’s time to crank on Chen’s arms. That’s broken up as well and Chen hits some forearms to the face, followed by a pump kick. A vertical suplex version of Angel’s Wing Clipper (Dante’s Inferno according to Nigel) finishes Anthony at 5:29.

Result: Dante Chen b. Draco Anthony – Dante’s Inferno (5:29)

Edris Enofe b. Guru Raaj – Shooting star press
Amari Miller b. Nikkita Lyons – Faceplant onto the knee
Dante Chen b. Draco Anthony – Dante’s Inferno

Thomas Hall has been a wrestling fan for over thirty years and has seen over 60,000 wrestling matches. He has also been a wrestling reviewer since 2009 with over 6,000 full shows covered. You can find his work at kbwrestlingreviews.com, or check out his- Amazon author page with 30 wrestling books.

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