NXT UK Results – December 30, 2021

Date: December30, 2021
Hosts: Pretty Deadly

It’s the final show of the year and for the second week in a row, it’s time for a Best Of special. The good thing is that NXT UK has quite the collection to pick from, as this was a pretty awesome year for them. Odds are we’ll be seeing a lot of Ilja Dragunov here, plus some more of the bigger names from NXT UK. Let’s get to it.

As usual, I’ll be posting the full versions of the matches rather than the clipped ones.

Pretty Deadly welcomes us to the show and throws us to the greatest moment of all time.

We recap Pretty Deadly becoming #1 contenders to the Tag Team Titles and setting up their title shot against Gallus.

From February 25.

Tag Team Titles: Pretty Deadly vs. Gallus

Gallus is defending and Mark Coffey drives Sam Stoker into the corner to start. It’s off to Lewis Howley, who is armdragged into an armbar without much effort. Wolfgang takes Howley down by the arm as well and there’s the same thing to Stoker. Therefore it’s already back to Hawley as the champs are dominating to start. A double monkey flip sends Howley to the floor and Pretty Deadly needs a breather.

Back in and Howley manages a hiptoss but gets rocked with an uppercut. Wolfgang shrugs off some double teaming and we get the big staredown. We settle down to Wolfgang being distracted by Howley so Stoker can knee him to the floor. A double backbreaker gets two on Wolfgang and it’s time to take turns choking in the corner.

Stoker’s running elbow to the jaw gets two and it’s time to work on the arm. Wolfgang knocks Howley down without much trouble and the double tag brings in Coffey and Stoker. Coffey cleans house without much trouble and a belly to back suplex drops Stoker for two. Howley comes in off a blind tag to kick Coffey in the head for two but Coffey kicks him even harder. Wolfgang is back in to catapult Howley into a Samoan drop but Stoker makes a save.

Coffey chokeslams Stoker onto the apron and a spear gives Wolfgang two on Howley. There’s a clothesline to put Howley on the floor but Stoker slaps Wolfgang to send him over the edge. The chase is on with Howley getting in a cheap shot to knock Wolfgang into the barricade. Back in and Stoker’s Codebreaker gets two on Coffey so Howley brings in a title. Coffey knocks it out of his hands but it’s a tornado DDT to drive him into the belt. The spinebuster/neckbreaker combination (Spilled Milk) gives us new champions at 15:03.

Result: Pretty Deadly b. Gallus – Spilled Milk to Coffey (15:03)

Video on Pretty Deadly as the Tag Team Champions.

Quick clip of Moustache Mountain taking the titles from Pretty Deadly in December.

Some wrestlers (Dave Mastiff, Jack Starz, Ashton Smith, Saxon Huxley, Primate and A-Kid) wish us a Happy New Year.

Ilja Dragunov, Oliver Carter, Rohan Raja, Sam Gradwell, Nathan Frazer and Amele wish us a Happy New Year.

Video on Walter’s dominance as United Kingdom Champion.

From June 24.

Ilja Dragunov vs. Joe Coffey vs. Rampage Brown

Brown drops Dragunov to start but gets suplexed by Coffey. It’s Dragunov getting back up to pull Brown to the mat for some elbows to the head. Coffey sends Dragunov outside before slugging it out with Brown. That means a Boston crab to Brown with Dragunov having to hammer away for a good while to break it up.

Brown is back up with a double clothesline to put the other two down, followed by a double suplex to send both of them flying. Coffey manages to backdrop Brown to the floor but Dragunov is back up with a bridging German suplex. Dragunov comes up holding his ribs as he goes up but has to fight Coffey off. That means Coffey goes crashing down, allowing Dragunov to jump over Brown into a backsplash for two.

Brown slams Dragunov onto Coffey for two but Dragunov gets back up to lose a slugout. A big lariat drops Brown though and Dragunov gets all insane again. Dragunov knocks Brown into the corner but Coffey hits his running tackle to send Dragunov into him. Coffey hits a big dive to take both of them out on the floor but Dragunov wins a slugout back inside. A second slugout goes to a draw to put them both down but Dragunov is up….and charges into a discus lariat. Brown knocks Coffey outside in a big crash but it’s Dragunov back up and striking away.

Some German suplexes rock Brown but he is fine enough to German suplex both Dragunov and the returning Coffey. An electric chair drop lets Coffey plant Brown and they all have to pull themselves up. They all collide for another knockdown but Brown is up first with a Doctor Bomb to Coffey. Dragunov makes the save and, after slipping out of another Doctor Bomb, hits a top rope Torpedo Moscow to finish Brown at 16:14.

Result: Ilja Dragunov b. Rampage Brown and Joe Coffey – Torpedo Moscow to Brown (16:14)

Post match here is Walter to hold up the title at Dragunov and then slap him down. Walter chokes him out and poses with the title to end the show.

Video on Ilja Dragunov winning the United Kingdom Title and fighting various challengers since. Jordan Devlin seems to be next.

Kenny Williams, Sha Samuels, Xia Brookside, Wolfgang, Eddie Dennis and Nina Samuels are looking forward to a better New Year.

Pretty Deadly wrap us up.

Thomas Hall has been a wrestling fan for over thirty years and has seen over 60,000 wrestling matches. He has also been a wrestling reviewer since 2009 with over 6,000 full shows covered. You can find his work at kbwrestlingreviews.com, or check out his- Amazon author page with 30 wrestling books.

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The post NXT UK Results – December 30, 2021 appeared first on WrestlingRumors.net.

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