205 Live Results – December 17, 2021

205 Live
Date: December 17, 2021
Location: Capitol Wrestling Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Nigel McGuinness, Vic Joseph

It’s almost the holiday season and the show continues to seem done with the cruiserweight theme. That doesn’t seem to mean much around here, but it means we’re stuck with some less than interesting matches from the NXT undercard. At least the main events tend to go well. Let’s get to it.

Lash Legend vs. Sarray

Legend runs her over to start but Sarray bridges out of a cover in a hurry. Back up and Sarry fires off some running forearms until a faceplant cuts her off. An elbow gives Lash two and a powerslam is good for the same. Legend misses another elbow though and Sarray fires off more forearms.

They get back up and Sarray charges into….I think it was supposed to be a front facelock but Legend spun her over into what wound up being a powerslam instead. Sarray hits a middle rope dropkick for two of her own but misses a running clothesline. They trade rollups with Legend not being able to hook the trunks, allowing Sarray to get the pin at 3:45.

Result: Sarray b. Lash Legend – Rollup (3:45)

Post match, Legend kicks her in the face and hits a faceplant. Legend blames Sarray for what happened to her for lashing out and getting lashed in.

Valentina Feroz/Yulisa Leon vs. Erica Yan/Fallon Henley

Yan headlocks Feroz to start but gets taken over into the same thing. They go into a standoff so Henley comes in for her debut. Leon tags herself in for an assisted hurricanrana and an early near fall, followed by a northern lights suplex for the same. Henley comes back with a clothesline so Yan can come back in. A backbreaker and double shoulder get two and it’s back to Henley for a backsplash. Feroz belly to back suplexes her way to freedom and the double tag brings in Leon to beat up Yan. Everything breaks down and an assisted crossbody finishes Yan at 6:09.

Result: Valentina Feroz/Yulisa Leon b. Erica Yan/Fallon Henley – Assisted crossbody to Yan (6:09)

The winners dance and respect is shown.

Legado del Fantasma vs. Ru Feng/Malik Blade

Elektra Lopez is here with Legado. Wilde shoves Blade into the ropes and dances a bit before taking him down by the arm. A hiptoss gets Blade out of trouble though and it’s Feng coming in for an armbar. The wristlock puts Wilde in more trouble but he pulls Feng over for the tag to Mendoza. Feng slams him down for one but gets his throat snapped across the rope.

Legado picks up the pace with the running clotheslines in the corner before a double suplex drops Feng again. The neck crank doesn’t last long so it’s a double basement dropkick to give Mendoza two. We hit the chinlock as the fans are rather behind Legado. Feng fights out of a cobra clutch and backdrops his way over to Blade. House is cleaned for what must be a good four seconds until Blade is rammed into Feng. The Russian legsweep/running big boot combination finishes Blade at 6:13.

Result: Legado del Fantasma b. Ru Feng/Malik Blade – Russian legsweep/big boot combination to Blade (6:13)

Thomas Hall has been a wrestling fan for over thirty years and has seen over 60,000 wrestling matches. He has also been a wrestling reviewer since 2009 with over 6,000 full shows covered. You can find his work at kbwrestlingreviews.com, or check out his- Amazon author page with 30 wrestling books.

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