Impact Wrestling Results – August 12, 2021

Impact Wrestling
Date: August 12, 2021
Location: Skyway Studios, Nashville, Tennessee
Commentators: D’Lo Brown, Matt Striker

We’re on the way to Emergence and that should make for a good pay per view, as tends to be the case around here. Other than that, it is time to crown a new #1 contender and I’m curious to see where they go. Impact has a lot of choices available for the title shot at the moment and that is a good place to be. Let’s get to it.

The opening recap looks at AEW Dynamite, which set up Christian Cage vs. Kenny Omega for the Impact World Title tomorrow night on Rampage.

Opening sequence.

Tenille Dashwood vs. Taylor Wilde

Dashwood has Kaleb With A K (in a neck brace) in her corner. Wilde works on the wrist to start and they trade a battle of wristlocks. Dashwood gets sent into the corner and grabs a frustrated headlock. That’s reversed into a hammerlock as the technical exchange continues. A headscissors sends Dashwood outside so Wilde tosses her back inside for a slam. Another chase on the floor lets Dashwood get in a cheap shot to take over and Wilde’s neck is wrapped around the middle rope.

What might have been a clash of heads gives Dashwood two and a suplex is good for the same. Another suplex sends Wilde into the corner and the Taste of Tenille gets two. The chinlock is escaped and Wilde fires off the clotheslines into a leg lariat. The ref gets bumped so it’s Kaleb With A K getting on the apron for a distraction. Cue Madison Rayne of all people to send Wilde into the post. The Spotlight Kick finishes for Dashwood at 9:53.

Result: Tenille Dashwood b. Taylor Wilde – Spotlight Kick (9:53)

Post match Rayne and Dashwood have the big evil hug to give us our newest alliance.

Various battle royal participants give us the usual soundbytes about how they’re going to win.

Emergence/tonight rundown.

Daivari vs. Josh Alexander

Non-title. They grapple into the corner to start and then fight over arm control. It’s too early for Alexander’s ankle lock so he boots Daivari down instead. Cue Jake Something to watch and we take a break. Back with Alexander being sent outside for a dropkick through the ropes from Daivari. A backbreaker sets up a chinlock with a knee in the back, followed by the more traditional chinlock. That’s broken up and Alexander snaps off a t-bone suplex, only to get caught with a DDT. Alexander is fine enough to snap off the rolling German suplexes, setting up Divine Intervention for the pin at 9:59.

Result: Josh Alexander b. Daivari – Divine Intervention (9:59)

Post match Something hands the title to Alexander and the staredown is on.

Video on Kenny Omega vs. Christian Cage, with wrestlers and personalities making their picks.

The Good Brothers are ready to retain the Tag Team Titles but here is Violent By Design to say they’re winning them back. Doc Gallows gets in Joe Doering’s face and talks a lot of trash as the lights flicker.

Here is Kiera Hogan for a chat. Fire N Flava was supposed to be better than this so now she wants to talk to Tasha Steelz directly. Tasha thought she can have someone do her dirty work and get one over on her. If Steelz wants it, she can get it, so come down here with her goofy friend.

Cue Su Yung and Kimber Lee, now both in the whole evil look. Lee gets in the ring for the brawl, with Yung seeming to control Lee’s movements. The Mandible Claw takes Hogan down and she is dragged away.

Don Callis goes on a rant about how everyone is out to get Kenny Omega, which Omega calls skulduggery. Callis lists off all of the people he has worked with over the years and promises Omega will have the title forever. Omega is ready to keep the title over all comers, because he’s made of different stuff.

Chris Bey/Jay White vs. FinJuice

White and Finlay fight over the lockup to start and exchange headlocks. With that not going anywhere, it’s off to Robinson to elbow Bey in the face. Bey knees his way out of a suplex but Robinson has to chase White away from interfering. That’s enough for White to ram him into the apron over and over, setting up a neckbreaker for two. The kicks to the ribs set up the abdominal stretch to keep Robinson in trouble as Striker talks about the art of wrestling.

Robinson muscles him up into a suplex and the hot tag brings in Finlay to clean house. Finlay hits something like Deep Six for two on Bey as everything breaks down. White is sent outside, leaving Bey to get caught in the Doomsday Device. That’s too far for White, who comes back in with a chair for the DQ at 8:40.

Result: FinJuice b. Chris Bey/Jay White via DQ when White used a chair (8:40)

Post match White throws the chair at Finlay’s head. The Blade Runner onto the chair leaves Finlay laying.

Tasha Steelz talks about Kiera Hogan begging her to start Fire N Flava but that didn’t work for her. That’s why Steelz has gotten Savannah Evans…but here is Fallah Bahh to say he has a problem with Havok and Rosemary. Steelz can go with that, because she wants the Knockouts Tag Team Titles.

Melina can’t believe she’s part of Empower but Deonna Purrazzo comes in to brag about how great she is. We see some clips of Purrazzo training with an Invicta FC fighter and things seem to be going well. Melina is impressed too, so she’ll have a match of her own next week.

Christian Cage is ready to win the Impact Wrestling World Title and next week he’s coming back as the champion. The battle royal winner can bring it.

Matt Cardona vs. John Skyler

Cardona starts fast with a dropkick and sends him into the corner, setting up the flapjack. Skyler gets sent outside for the running big boot as the ALWAYS READY chant starts up. A ram into the apron and a right hand give Skyler two but Cardona makes the clothesline comeback. The former Broski Boot is loaded up but here are Rohit Raju and Shera to interrupt. The distraction lets Skyler hit a jumping knee to the face into a rollup for the pin at 4:07.

Result: John Skyler b. Matt Cardona – Rollup (4:07)

Battle Royal

Eddie Edwards, Brian Myers, Sami Callihan, Moose, Sam Beale, Fallah Bahh, No Way, Deaner, Rhino, Petey Williams, Chris Sabin, W. Morrissey, Ace Austin, Madman Fulton, Willie Mack, Rich Swann, Johnny Swinger, Hernandez, Suicide, Trey Miguel

The winner gets a World Title shot at Emergence. Morrissey gets rid of Suicide and Swinger to start with Hernandez getting the same treatment. Everyone gets together to get rid of Morrissey and we take a break. Back with everyone getting in on the brawling and Petey Williams loading up a Canadian Destroyer on the apron. Cue Steve Macclin to pull Williams out too.

Deaner and Swann fight to the apron and are both knocked out, with Rhino being tossed out soon after. Ace and Fulton get rid of Mack as the ring is emptying out in a hurry. No Way punches Austin out of the air but gets tossed in a hurry. Bahh gets rid of Fulton and is tossed by Moose to get rid of two of the bigger guys. Myers shoves Beale into the ropes to break up Miguel’s springboard and get rid of him as well.

Eddie gives Myers the Backpack Stunner and Moose hits a crazy chop on Beale, leaving a huge hand print on his chest. Moose isn’t done yet as he dumps Eddie but Sabin sends him underneath the ropes for a brawl on the floor. Myers tosses Beale (who looks stunned), leaving us with Myers, Callihan, Moose, Sabin and Austin.

Callihan piledrives Myers and get taken to the apron by Myers. Fulton saves Austin from a save so Callihan clotheslines him off the shoulders in a makeshift (and unintentional Doomsday Device). Callihan is knocked out as well, leaving us with Moose, Sabin and Myers. Sabin sleepers Moose but Myers comes in to dump them both and win at 17:08.

Result: Brian Myers won a battle royal last eliminating Chris Sabin and Moose (17:08)

Tenille Dashwood b. Taylor Wilde – Spotlight kick
Josh Alexander b. Daivari – Divine Intervention
FinJuice b. Chris Bey/Jay White via DQ when White used a chair
John Skyler b. Matt Cardona – Rollup
Brian Myers won a battle royal last eliminating Petey Williams and Moose

Thomas Hall has been a wrestling fan for over thirty years and has seen over 60,000 wrestling matches. He has also been a wrestling reviewer since 2009 with over 6,000 full shows covered. You can find his work at, or check out his- Amazon author page with 30 wrestling books.

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