Vince McMahon Reveals His Thoughts On AEW As WWE Competition

His opinion matters. There are certain influential names in wrestling and then there is Vince McMahon. He might not be the most popular person in the industry, but there is no denying the level of power he wields. McMahon’s opinions and thoughts can change the way wrestling goes, both in and out of WWE. McMahon has said something new, and it is going to get some people talking.

WWE held its second quarter financial conference call on Thursday. During the call, McMahon was asked if he views AEW as competition and what he plans to do to counter them. McMahon said that AEW is “where they are” and that he does not see AEW as competition like WCW was, with AEW being “not anywhere near that”. He did not mention anything WWE was planning to do to deal with AEW either directly or indirectly.

AEW debuted in May 2019, with their flagship television show, Dynamite, debuting in October 2019. The show went head to head with WWE NXT on Wednesday nights for about a year and a half, with Dynamite winning in both viewership and ratings most weeks. NXT has since moved to Tuesday nights, while Dynamite’s audience has broken a million viewers for the last three weeks.

McMahon knows a thing or two about other promotions. Check out how he dealt with some of them:

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Opinion: While I’m not surprised that McMahon was a bit coy about AEW, I have a hard time believing that he does not see them as competition. They are the most professionally run and presented wrestling promotion in more than twenty years and are attracting a different audience. WWE is still the undisputed name in wrestling, but AEW is certainly making some in-roads of their own.

What do you think of McMahon’s statements? Which promotion do you like more? Let us know in the comments below.

Thomas Hall has been a wrestling fan for over thirty years and has seen over 60,000 wrestling matches. He has also been a wrestling reviewer since 2009 with over 6,000 full shows covered. You can find his work at, or check out his- Amazon author page with 30 wrestling books.

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