Ring Of Honor TV Results – June 16, 2021

Ring of Honor
Date: June 16, 2021
Location: UMBC Events Center, Baltimore, Maryland
Commentators: Ian Riccaboni, Caprice Coleman

We are well on the way to Best In The World and that means it is time to start getting a card together. That is in theory at least, as Ring of Honor doesn’t not usually run on the same schedule that most promotions use. We are also on the way towards Survival of the Fittest, meaning it is time for at least one more qualifying match. Let’s get to it.

Opening sequence.

Quinn McKay welcomes us to the show and recaps the first Survival of the Fittest qualifying matches. We also run down the card, including the Tag Team Titles being defended. That will be under Pure Rules, so we go over the tag version of the rules.

Eli Isom is ready to beat Dak Draper to advance to the Survival of the Fittest finals. They have met before and went to a time limit draw. Isom knows he could have won in five more minutes, so Draper needs to bring everything he had plus more to win this time.

Dak Draper knows Eli Isom and knew that their paths would intertwine. He isn’t worried about Dalton Castle because it is time to be on to bigger and better things, like winning the tournament and winning the World Title.

Survival of the Fittest Qualifying Match: Dak Draper vs. Eli Isom

Hold on though as the lights go out and here is dancing Dalton Castle with the clapping Boys. Castle says he’s just here to look at Draper so Isom sends Draper outside in a hurry and hits the big flip dive. Back in and Isom strikes away at the head, including a few right hands and a jumping kick to the face. Draper punches him out to the apron and manages a deadlift superplex.

Castle and the Boys start walking around as Draper drops a knee for two. A hard clothesline puts Isom down again and we take a break. Back with Draper hitting a top rope forearm to the head to send Isom outside. Isom gets thrown hard into the barricade, sending Castle into hysterics.

Back in and a waistlock has Isom in trouble until he rolls over to the rope. Draper is smart enough to put the hold right back on and it’s the Doctor Bomb for two. A monkey flip sends Draper into the corner and a spinning belly to back suplex gives Isom two of his own. Draper is right back with a powerslam and Castle starts the cheers. The Magnum Drop is loaded up but instead Draper takes Isom up top but Castle and the Boys walk away. The distraction lets Isom grab the Promise for the pin at 11:17.

Result: Eli Isom b. Dak Draper – The Promise (11:17)

O’Shay Edwards talks about taking Sledge out and now it is time to beat Chris Dickinson in the Survival of the Fittest.

Chris Dickinson has survived against everyone and he is ready to do it to Edwards again, just to stick it to everyone here.

Tag Team Titles: Dragon Lee/Kenny King vs. Tracy Williams/Rhett Titus

Williams and Titus are defending and this is under Pure Rules. Titus takes King to the mat to start and it’s time for the exchange of holds. King gets the better of things with a hammerlock and a front facelock but gets reversed into Titus’ own hammerlock. Williams comes in for some knees to the ribs and the Cloverleaf goes on, sending King bailing to the ropes. A Fujiwara armbar almost makes King use another break but he rolls out instead and brings Lee in to pick up the pace.

Williams welcomes the chop off until Lee snaps off a running hurricanrana to send him outside. That means a hard whip into the barricade to put Williams in trouble and we take a break. Back with Williams suplexing Lee down for two but King comes in to pound Williams down. King and Lee start taking turns hammering away until Williams gets over for the tag off to Titus. Some rolling neckbreakers have Lee in trouble as everything breaks down. King kicks Williams off the apron as Titus grabs a suplex for two on Lee.

The hot tag brings in Williams for a discus lariat on King, who has to use the final rope break to escape. King pulls Williams into something like an Indian Deathlock, meaning Williams has to use his first break. Lee is back in for a slingshot kick to Titus in the corner, followed by the running dropkick in the corner.

Back up and Titus loads up a superplex on Lee but gets caught in the Tree of Woe for Lee’s top rope double stomp. Titus is back up with the dropkick to put all four down. Lee’s running knee is countered and Williams hits a discus forearm in the corner. The super driver plants Lee and King comes in for the save….but that’s a DQ at 16:09 because King and Lee are out of rope breaks.

Result: Tracy Williams/Rhett Titus b. Dragon Lee/Kenny King via DQ when King interfered (16:09)

Post match La Faccion Ingobernable runs in for the beatdown but the Foundation makes the save. Violent Unlimited comes out to watch approvingly as the show ends.

Thomas Hall has been a wrestling fan for over thirty years and has seen over 50,000 wrestling matches. He has also been a wrestling reviewer since 2009 with over 5,000 full shows covered. You can find his work at kbwrestlingreviews.com, or check out his- Amazon author page with 30 wrestling books.

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The post Ring Of Honor TV Results – June 16, 2021 appeared first on WrestlingRumors.net.

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