NXT Live Coverage And Results – April 17, 2019

Date: April 17, 2019
Location: Full Sail University, Winter Park, Florida
Commentators: Nigel McGuinness, Percy Watson, Mauro Ranallo

It’s time to get back home after New York after another incredible Takeover. With last week’s recap edition out of the way, things are back to normal here as we start the long build towards the next Takeover in a few months. The big draw is Johnny Gargano’s first comments as NXT Champion and you can hear the chants from here. Let’s get to it.

Opening sequence.

North American Title: Velveteen Dream vs. Buddy Murphy

Dream is defending after asking Murphy where his title was after Wrestlemania. Feeling out process to start with Murphy taking him to the mat in a headlock. Dream is right back with a headlock of his own and it’s a double nipup into a standoff. The Aussie fans are in full strength as Murphy headscissors him to the floor but Dream crawls back in to mess with Murphy’s head.

Speaking of heads, Murphy knees Dream in his for two and Dream is in trouble. Dream gets sent head first into the post for a trip to the floor, setting up the big flip dive. Back in and Murphy’s top rope Meteora gets two and it’s a sleeper to keep Dream down. It’s broken up with a ram into the corner and Murphy charges into one heck of a superkick to knock him silly. A Codebreaker gives Dream two but the Dream Valley Driver is blocked. The Hideo Itami tornado DDT across the top staggers Dream, who is fine enough to catch Murphy on top.

They knock each other out to the floor and a double drive brings them both back in at nine. Murphy’s DDT gets two but a super sunset flip is countered into the Dream Valley Driver for a rather near fall. Dream goes up and gets superkicked straight into a Batista Bomb for another two and they’re both down again. A jumping knee puts Dream down on the floor and Murphy is smart enough to break the count. Back in again and another Dream Valley Driver sets up the Purple Rainmaker to retain the title at 14:57.

Result: Velveteen Dream b. Buddy Murphy – Purple Rainmaker (14:57)

The Street Profits talk about making opportunity and go to William Regal’s office to ask for a chance. The War Raiders (still under that name) come out and say they’ve heard what the Profits have been saying. They fight next week.

Here’s Gargano, of course in the Johnny Champion shirt, to address the crowd. Johnny talks about how we’ve been waiting a very, very, very long time for this moment and how he was told no at his NXT tryout in 2015. This is what happens when you don’t take no for an answer and now he’s here as champion. Cue the Undisputed Era to interrupt with Adam Cole saying to stop the music. He’s not going to listen to another Gargano love fest because he beat Johnny in New York.

Cole is the uncrowned NXT Champion and Gargano is nothing more than a punk. Gargano thinks the little boy band might not be in sync right now. He won two falls in a row in New York and he’s the UNDISPUTED NXT Champion. Cole: “How about you shut up Johnny?” Gargano laughs it off and says if he lost, he wouldn’t be crying like a little bay-baby. If Cole wants to get in the ring, Johnny will be glad to put some more points on the scoreboard. Cole heads to the ring but Roderick Strong jumps Gargano from behind. The Era beats him down and poses.

Kushida debuts in two weeks.

We look at the NXT callups in the Superstar Shakeup with Nigel calling the War Raiders the Viking Experience, even though they were the Raiders earlier tonight.

Dominik Dijakovic vs. Aaron Frye

Cyclone boot finishes Frye at 12 seconds.

Result: Dominik Dijakovic b. Aaron Frye – Cyclone boot (0:12)

Post match Dijakovic says he’s here because his family gave him the opportunity. They came to the United States and that spirit flows through his veins. He wants the North American Title so the Dream can feast his eyes.

The Undisputed Era says that nothing is wrong when Regal comes in. Gargano wants to face the Era, which sounds great to Cole. Actually Gargano wants to face Strong, which doesn’t sound great to Cole.

We recap Kairi Sane vs. Shayna Baszler.

Aliyah and Vanessa Borne say they weren’t ready next week so Candice LeRae can find a partner to face them next week.

Women’s Title: Kairi Sane vs. Shayna Baszler

Sane is challenging in her final chance at the title. They fight into the corner to start with Sane hitting a quick spinning backfist into the sliding D. A running crossbody from the apron keeps Baszler down but she’s right back with the strikes inside. Baszler’s knee to the chest gets two but the Kirifuda Clutch is countered. Sane hits the Interceptor and the Anchor has Baszler in more trouble.

The rope is grabbed so Sane drops a middle rope elbow to the back but a second is broken up. Baszler goes up as well, earning herself a trip into the Tree of Woe for an Alberto double stomp. Sane’s diving elbow hits barricade though and it’s time to crank on the arm back inside. A gutwrench faceplant sets up an arm trap choke until Sane gets a foot on the rope. The referee calls for a medic to check on the arm, with Io Shirai coming out to check on Sane as well. Baszler isn’t having that and pulls Sane back in for the arm stop but Shirai breaks it up for the DQ at 8:25.

Result: Shayna Baszler b. Kairi Sane via DQ when Io Shirai interfered (8:25)

Post match Marina Shafir and Jessamyn Duke hold Shirai so Baszler can stomp Sane’s arm. The villains pose to end the show.

Thomas Hall has been a wrestling fan for over thirty years and has seen over 50,000 wrestling matches. He has also been a wrestling reviewer since 2009 with over 5,000 full shows covered. You can find his work at kbwrestlingreviews.com, or check out his Amazon author page with 28 wrestling books. His latest book is the the Complete 2000 Monday Nitro and Thunder Reviews Part 1.

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Velveteen Dream b. Buddy Murphy – Purple Rainmaker
Dominik Dijakovic b. Aaron Frye – Cyclone boot
Shayna Baszler b. Kairi Sane via DQ when Io Shirai interfered

The post NXT Live Coverage And Results – April 17, 2019 appeared first on WrestlingRumors.net.

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