205 Live Results – March 12, 2019

205 Live
Date: March 12, 2019
Location: Nutter Center, Dayton, Ohio
Commentators: Vic Joseph, Nigel McGuinness, Aiden English

The tournament season continues around here with the final four of the Cruiserweight Title #1 Contender tournament. In this case, there aren’t exactly a ton of great options but that’s the case with a lot of the title scene at the moment. Cedric Alexander is probably the favorite to win the whole thing, as tends to be the case, but bigger surprises have happened before. Let’s get to it.

We open with Drew Gulak for a change. He loves tournament semifinals because it’s where you separate the men from the boys. In other words, it’s the round where Tony Nese collapses under the pressure. Drew owns him and tonight will be no different.

Nese knows that Gulak is different than anyone else on the roster because Gulak will dissect every mistake that Nese makes. His focus is his best asset and Gulak knows nothing about him.

Oney Lorcan says this is all business and he had no ill will towards Humberto Carrillo. Now Cedric Alexander is the man to beat and that’s what Lorcan is going to do tonight when he breaks Alexander.

Cedric Alexander knows that Lorcan is an amazing talent and sees him as the future of the division. It’s not his time though because Cedric is still here and he’s going back to Wrestlemania.

Opening sequence.

Buddy Murphy joins us from Australia to talk about who could win the tournament.

#1 Contenders Tournament Semifinals: Oney Lorcan vs. Cedric Alexander

The fans seem behind Cedric, which may be due to not knowing much about Lorcan. Cedric spins out of a wristlock as English wonders if it’s better to get to the title and fall or never get there at all. A headlock takes Cedric down for a bit, though he rolls Lorcan up for some one counts. Back up and Lorcan chops Cedric so hard that he looks ready to scream but he comes back with his own chops.

It’s way too early for the Lumbar Check so Lorcan gets two off a strong clothesline. We hit a waistlock on Alexander, followed by an abdominal stretch to stay on the logical target. Some headbutts get Alexander out but he’s right back in the hold about two seconds later. The real comeback is on with some elbows to the face and the Neuralizer actually staggers Lorcan.

There’s the springboard Downward Spiral for good measure with Lorcan’s head bouncing off the mat for two. Lorcan is fine enough to get his own two off a running Blockbuster as the frustration is setting in. The half and half suplex gets two and the frustration continues.

Cedric is back up with a Michinoku Driver for two of his own, plus the big shocked face. The real frustration sets in and Cedric stomps away, only to get caught on top for a half and half superplex for two more. Lorcan blasts him in the face a few more times, only to take the Lumbar Check for the pin at 15:13.

Result: Cedric Alexander b. Oney Lorcan – Lumbar Check (15:13)

There were some big crashes:

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We look back at Mike Kanellis’ no contest last week when he could have had an easy win.

The Kanellises rant to Drake Maverick for putting him in an easy match when he deserves competition. Drake agrees and gives him a match next week with an unnamed opponent. The losing isn’t going to last much longer though, because this place is for winners.

Ariya Daivari isn’t pleased with being left out of the tournament and says the leash is coming off soon.

#1 Contenders Tournament Semifinals: Tony Nese vs. Drew Gulak

The rather confident Gulak grabs a headlock to start but gets elbowed in the face. Nese tries a rather unnecessary moonsault and has to bail to the floor to avoid the Gulock. Back in and Nese goes after a wristlock and then a headlock as they seem to have a lot of time here. They head outside with Nese kicking him in the ribs and hitting a rather quiet chop. He should have gone harder as Gulak is fine enough to drop him throat first across the top as the build towards the Gulock continues.

Said build continues with a neck crank before Gulak ties up the legs and hits him in the back of the head a few times for two. The chinlock doesn’t last long and Gulak takes him down again, albeit now more annoyed at Nese for fighting back. Nese manages a whip into the corner but since it’s just a whip, Gulak grabs a t-bone suplex to put Nese right back in trouble.

The chinlock goes on again so Nese fights up with some kicks to the face, including a dropkick for two. The split legged moonsault is good for the same, drawing some rather weak applause. Gulak goes aerial with a very rare dropkick. Back to back powerbombs gives Gulak two but Nese is right back up with a super hurricanrana.

The 450 misses and they’re both down for a breather. Neither finisher connects so Gulak goes with a snappy sunset flip for two. Nese rolls through another Gulock attempt and German suplexes Gulak into the corner. The running knee misses and Gulak clotheslines the heck out of him for two. Now the Gulock goes on but Nese gets his foot on the rope and flips backwards for the quick pin at 17:08.

Result: Tony Nese b. Drew Gulak – Rollup (17:08)

For the first time ever:

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Gulak is stunned to end the show.

Thomas Hall has been a wrestling fan for over thirty years and has seen over 50,000 wrestling matches. He has also been a wrestling reviewer since 2009 with over 5,000 full shows covered. You can find his work at kbwrestlingreviews.com, or check out his Amazon author page with 28 wrestling books. His latest book is the the Complete 2000 Monday Nitro and Thunder Reviews Part 1.

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The post 205 Live Results – March 12, 2019 appeared first on WrestlingRumors.net.

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